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A few days pass and I continued going outside around the same time I knew the hot mailman would visited my home. Small conversations would bud here and there causing flutters to my tummy. I found his personality to be somewhat addictive and bubbly. He was polite and charming all at the same time. Our talks never lasted long though, more so cause I didn't want to slow him down or anything, but it was nice having someone to talk to. To replace my good friend Joel.

On another note Brandon was returning home today, and though I hate to admit it, I was excited. I wasn't gonna be alone in this big house tonight and that pleased me. Slaving over a hot stove for hours, I prepared all of his favorite dishes. I set the table nice with our finest linens, pulled out our fancy wine glasses, and even put on a slow jams playlist. I was feeling generous. My phone buzzed on the granite counter top but I was pulling a pie out the oven so I couldn't answer it right away. It buzzed again so I took my mittens off and slid my thumb across the screen.

"Hello?" I groaned when my finger touched the hot surface.

"Hi honey!"

"Brandon! Hey! Are you on your way home?" I asked sucking the apple filling off my thumb.

"Uh no actually, that's why I called.. I'm actually gonna spend a few more days here." My heart dropped, what did he mean?

"Days? Brandon you have a wife at home! Don't you want to spend time with me?" I couldn't believe this! Here I am getting ready for his home coming and he's not even coming home!

"I know that, I just feel like I deserved some time off okay?" He was getting annoyed, raising his voice a little. Though the speaker I could hear giggling in the background but it stopped before I could question it.

"What about me Brandon? Don't you want me see me?" I asked with what little hope I had left, almost desperate for him to spend time with me.

"Honestly.. you've been kinda on my nerves lately and I just need a break. Is that okay Kayla?"  Sure I wasn't in love with Brandon anymore, but I missed the company. I missed company period!

"Fine, enjoy yourself." I hung up, smashing the phone on the ground. Not even bothering to put the food away I turned off the oven and head up the stairs. Angry I pulled my laptop from under my pillow and logged in. I quickly brought up a dating website that Blair informed me about three years ago. Back then I thought she was silly to suggest such a thing, I was a married women in love. But with Brandon's distant behavior, I thought I earned taking a little peek.

Eagerly I created a profile describing myself as simply as I could. I wasn't into trying to make myself something I wasn't. When I hit submit I instantly had a slew of matches. Some with no hair, some fairly wealthy, some old and creepy, and some from other countries. I sorted through the lot slowly, starting up a few conversations here and there. Over all I didn't meet anyone I liked which was odd, was I getting picky??

Around 3am I closed the lid and shut my eyes, allowing sleep to take me.


The next morning I called in sick, taking the day off. I went to sleep late plus I didn't want to leave my house. Nor did I want to be bothered with those idiots at the office. So here I sat in my bed eating ice cream feeling unwanted. I clicked through a few more profiles but no one was worth my attention.

Time rushed by as I did nothing and before I knew it 3pm rolled around. I stood from my place in bed and put on my running clothes just to meet my mail man down at the bottom of my driveway.

"Hey!" I chirped sweetly.

"Hello Mrs-"

"Just Kayla, please."

"Okay, well hello Kayla! I have a few things for you today." He says referring to my packages. I had been ordering random shit online just so I could talk to him longer.

"So I have two packages, and some ads." he handed me all the stuff which I ended up dropping.

"I could carry this stuff back to the door for you, if you'd like." he offered and my palms started to sweat.

"S-Sure." I lead him up my winding driveway to my porch. He carried the boxes behind me and being the tease I am I swayed my hips little harder that usual. It helped that I had on yoga shorts too, outlined the curve of my ass a bit more.

"So here you go." He sat them door on the step and I smiled.

"Thanks." He watched my lips as I spoke, sending chills down my spine. In one quick movement his tongue stuck out swiping over his full bottom lip, wetting it.

"A-Are you thirsty?" I asked eyeing his frame from head to toe.

"I shouldn't-"

"Please it's no trouble, plus it's hot outside. Wouldn't want you to get dehydrated.." I bolted to my kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge. Seeing the pie in the corner I quickly cut him a slice and wrapped it up, all under 5 minutes. Panting slightly when I returned, I handed him the water first then shyly offered the pie.

"Oh Kayla you didn't-"

"Don't worry, I have plenty more." I shushed him and he looked delighted batting his eyes at me. Silence fell over us again but it wasn't awkward. We both stood there not moving, as if neither of us wanted to say goodbye.

"I gotta get going.." I frowned a bit but he was right. I wasn't the only person he had to deliver mail to and I'm sure he wanted to get home to his family or girlfriend perhaps..

"Yeah, I'll umm, I'll see you around...." I trailed off cause I didn't know his name.

"Stephen." He answered picking up that I was fishing for it.

"Stephen." I said more to myself, letting the word roll around in my brain.

"I'll see you around then Stephen." He nodded and left my porch, walking down the driveway and on to the next house. I shut the door taking my lip between my teeth and sighing..

Night fall came pretty quickly and I found myself perched in front of my computer once again. Though I wasn't finding anyone worth talking to, it was entertaining. I flicked through photo after photo until my fingers were numb so I figured I should turn in for the night. I sighed and went to close the rose gold lid but before I fully could it chimed. Lazily I pulled it up and scanned the screen.

New Message from ChefCurry30 11:45 pm


It was so simple, so uninviting but it drew me in and I responded, rather quickly. Maybe just maybe, I had found a new friend..


Hello Hello!

I hope you all enjoyed this part. I know this is a bit boring right now but I have to incorporate all the things that already happened in 'SO12P'. Everything that happened there is important to the story line. So with that being said bare with me and just wait on the good stuff. Any who I got promoted to keyholder at work! :) I'm about to start my junior year in College woop woop!

Love you all
10 votes till the next part!


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