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After Stephen left I finished making the pizza but put it straight in the refrigerator when it was done. I wasn't in the mood to eat. Silently I strolled up the stairs to my bedroom ready to clear my mind from what almost happened. He was so close to me, so ready to place his lips on mine.. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss him back.

Pushing open the door my jaw dropped at the image in front of me.

"Brandon, Doug, and....?" I trailed off astounded. First off, how did I not know he was home. Second who is the woman glaring back at me like I'm not suppose to be here?

"Sweetheart!" Brandon beamed, walking over and embracing me in a loving hug. I stood still with my arms held tight to my side, completely annoyed.

"When did you get home?" I asked, still making no move to welcome him.

"I've been home all evening.. When did you get in?" he asked, removing himself from my body. How did he not hear me and Stephen downstairs? We weren't exactly quite.. And why is Doug here? And who the hell is this girl?

"Who is she?" I asked with a bit more venom then intended. But could I be blamed? My skin was crawling with anger at this point, the whole room remained silent. Looking over to my bed it was still perfectly made, which I hope meant they didn't horse around..

"Who?" My 'husband' questioned, facial expression twisted in confusion.

Brandon was playin dumb, and testing my patience!

"The only other female in here!" My voice raising, and anger elevating.

"Oh right! That's Elena.." He said, putting emphasis on her name. I don't know if it was suppose to make me jealous or not but it didn't. I had another man lingering in my thoughts. I just wanted her out of my room.

"Look Brandon, I don't know who she is to you but I do know she better get the fuck up out my bedroom!" I pushed his chest and Doug advanced forward to hold me back. He knew just how hostile I could get, he's been around for a long time.

"Elena isn't going anywhere!" Brandon shouted, making Elena jump but not phasing me in the slightest. We've been married for too long, his voice sounded like a whisper compared to the volume I could bring.

"BOY IF YOU DON'T-" I stopped mid rant because it was clear he had his mind made up. Nothing I could say or do would change how he felt about her. And now every thing made since! The long work trips, the distance at home, him not wanting to spend time with me.

It was all there, I was just to blind. Or maybe it was denial.

"You know what, fine. She can stay. I hope all three of you go straight to hell!" I stated calmly, removing Doug's arms from my waist.


"Brandon let go of me!" I tried to stay calm but he was pushin' it.

"NO!" He yanked me closer to him, nearly pulling my arm out of place. I yelped in pain, on the brink of tears.

"Let me go or I'm calling the cops! You know if you go back it's for good" I reveal and bolted out of the room. Putting as much distance I could between me and him I snatched my keys and hurried to my car. I could spend the night at my office.


Mindlessly I drummed my fingers on the red oak desk in my office. Most of my work was done for the day and now all I had left was my meeting. Today I would be informing the rest of my colleagues I'd be taking a short vacation to see my family.

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