T w e n t y E i g h t

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K a y l a POV


My body was buzzing and full of rage. How a frame so small could hold so much hurt and frustration was beyond me, and I'm sure it was becoming a talent of mine.


Of all the mother fucking people in this world that could be father of that baby, it's Brandon! The same Brandon O'connal I married a few years back. The same man I'd come to hate. If someone was to tell me this would happened before we exchanged vows, I would've run for the hills. As I thought back to it none of our marriage was real. In the back of my mind all I could think about were the lies he told but this one took the cake. With it being the biggest and most outrageous. Picking up another plate I smashed it against the cream colored wall, the glass shattering instantly. How else should one react to all this information?

"Kayla.." Stephen called out, but I paid him no mind. Going back into his kitchen cabinets I gripped a mug tightly, the whites of my knuckles showing. Brandon and Daphne having conceived a child together was upsetting yes, but that's not why I was angry. No, I was mad Brandon waisted my time! Why even marry me?

"Hey-Wait don't.." He tried again and I slammed the cup at my feet, a piece of glass nipping my skin. "Shit!" I hissed and gripped just below my ankle, luckily it was a small cut. I knew I was being destructive and I knew this wasn't my property to be destroying but I couldn't stop. It wasn't like I wouldn't buy Stephen a whole new set anyway. I'd get him anything his heart desired.

"Baby girl.." Stephen's hushed voice murmured beside me and I sighed, turning into him. My limbs were tired and everything was starting to blur. Anger still controlled my every thought but I was exhausted. An arm cupped my back, then my legs and before I knew it I was hoisted up to Stephen's chest. Closing my eyes I allowed myself to relax and I did until I heard Daphne's loud sobs in the distance. Scrunching my eyes I tried to block her out but she only got louder. Even through all this mess she still played the victim and it's absolutely ludicrous. Any self respecting women would've given up by now, but then again we are talking about Daphne..

"Why c-can't you just l-love me Wardell?" Her words ran together in a rushed mess, her breathing erratic. Curling further into Stephen, I pressed my lips together to keep from slaying her life for good. She was on my very last nerve and I was mere seconds away from beating her senseless, with child or not. Stephen set me down but kept his hand locked with mine to ensure I didn't do anything drastic. This man knew well enough that my temper could get the best of me at times. He pulled the door open without a word or a glance in Daphne's direction. A warm spring breeze hit my face, whipping my hair from side to side. It was 10 o'clock at night and I know for a fact this is not how I wanted to spend my evening.

"Stephen!" Daphne yelped but he kept walking, not budging one bit. It was like he turned off his emotions and I couldn't blame him. I couldn't imagine what he must be feeling. For the pass few months Stephen has been nothing short of wonderful to Daphne and that baby, and it's not even his. My heart hurt for him even more, he didn't deserve this. Any of this.

"Wardell please!" She cried out behind us, her bare feet slapping against the pavement in her final attempt to get Stephen's attention. But his feet kept moving. The trees swayed, leaves rolling with the wind. Inhaling deeply I allowed myself to calm down a little, I know that last thing Stephen needed was to deal with my long lasting attitude. He just found out he wasn't going to be a father for the second time and I'm sure he needed my support, so I could stuff my rage. For a little while longer..

"I didn't mean for it to get this fa-" Daphne tried again but stopped mid sentence. A desperate, painful scream followed behind her sudden silence. Turning my head I saw her bent over, holding an arm over her very swollen belly. Inspecting further, I trailed my eyes down her legs and noticed water dripping down to her ankles.

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