Not An Update.

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I just want to take the time to tell you all how much I appreciate the reads, votes, and comments. I was so scared to write this book, to write at all really and you've all made this such a great experience. I couldn't have asked for a better group of readers and if you're new thank you for joining us. I've decided to continue writing about Stephen in a new book called 'Kindred' that will be released sometime this evening. It's much different from this one but still harbors Stephen's sexy aura. Also I plan on continuing 'Madhouse' along with another story called 'Dangerous Woman' I hope you guys like those as well. 

With that being said, I know you all were expecting a chapter but that won't be uploaded until tomorrow evening. It's ready to go, I just need to make sure it flows with the rest of the book. 

As always thanks for reading, I can't believe we are nearly at 50,000 reads. That may not seem like a lot to some but to me it's everything! 

All the love 


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