E l e v e n

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S t e p h e n POV

A sleek, black Mercedes Maybach S600 pulled up to the curb of my home and my eyes popped out of my head. These cars aren't even out to the public yet.. Kayla told me not to worry about transportation, but I didn't think I'd be rollin' up in a vehicle worth more than my entire existence.

"Are you Mr. Curry?" A thick British accent filled my ears, once I stopped drooling over the car I noticed the driver.

"Yea, that's me.."

"I'm Harry, I'll be your chauffeur this evening. The Vincent family is awaiting your arrival, please hurry!" He spoke, gracefully opening the door allowing us in.

Klay pushed from behind, eager to catch first glimpse of the interior of car, Sara following hot on his trail. When Kayla invited me I was surprised, even more shocked when she informed me I could bring friends. Not only was this our first formal event, as whatever we are. But she wants me to meet her parents...

I was shittin' bricks.

Kayla told me a lot of her family, how she loved them dearly and was very close with her father. From what I could tell they were quiet successful and had high expectations for their daughter. She often spoke of her father which only mean she was a total daddy's girl. And that made me nervous. My sister was a daddy's girl and if Kayla was anything like her, I had a lot to live up to.

The drive to the venue was filled with chatter, mostly about what to expect when we showed up. Judging by this car, I'd expect nothing short of extravagant.  As we rode large houses vanished, turning into open fields of lush grass and trees that were beginning to change colors. Fall season approaching quickly. The scenery was astounding with the faded blue sky as the backdrop. Looking down I started fiddling with me hands, my nerves getting the best of me. Maybe I shouldn't have come...

"Steph, you didn't tell me this girl was fucking loaded!" I lifted my head and my jaw slacks. In a small opening through the tress a large modern building peeked through. The car hit a sharp left causing my forehead to press to the glass window. Glancing up I got a better look, and noticed the different decorations, the neatly trimmed hedges, and bushes that were a rich green color.

Our 30 minute journey came to an end and Harry opened the door for us. Outside the car I looked around, taking everything in. The sun was on the very of setting causing timed lights to flick on. Water could be heard but I couldn't see it.

"Have a wonderful evening, I'll be back." Harry said, driving off.

"Keep up Curry!" Klay teased linking arms with his girlfriend. We walked inside down a long hallway hearing soft piano playing. I recognized the tune as 'Be Our Guest' and thought about how whimsical this was.

"The Atrium" Sara read the sign, I assumed that's the name of this place.

"Damn.." I muttered when we reached out final destination. The room was dimly lit with marvelous chandeliers and intricate candles on each table. A grand orchestra was sat off at the corner of the room accompanied by a DJ on the other side. Men and women flew by carrying o'dourve filled trays, dressed like penguins. Each table held place cards and a little purple flower next to them.

"So where do we sit?" Sara's voice called out and I could only shrug my shoulders. I had no idea.

"Well call your girlfriend!" She huffed rolling her eyes. Hesitantly I reached in my pocket to get my phone, clicking her contact. It rang a few times before her sweet voice filled my ears.

"Stephen!" She squeaked.

"Hey, I-I'm here and I don't really know where to sit.." My face got hot, embarrassment suddenly getting the best of me.

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