T h i r t y T h r e e

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Kayla POV

I saw it. I saw the whole damn thing but I held it together. I wasn't gonna break down and cry I wasn't gonna scream to the roof tops. I wasn't shocked on bit. Why would I be? She's a hoe.

Walking up to that sloppy, nothing short of desperate bitch I griped her hair and dragged her. I dragged her scrawny ass down Stephen's thirteen steps, making sure she hit each one of them. She clawed at my hands and struggled in my hold but I didn't let up. Once outside I let her go and she yelled. Yelled at the top of her damn lungs but that didn't bother me either. Two, quick strides later she was on her ass gripping her surgically altered nose. Her foot flung up, but I jut to the right dodging her. Again my right hand clocked her and I swore I heard her orbital bone snap. I shook my hand, wincing a bit. I didn't even have to look, I was sure I'd have to go get it checked out.


"Told you I wouldn't miss." I barked, strolling back inside Stephen's house to grab my shoes. I shut and lock the door while Daphne pounded the other side, screeching about how she was gonna press charges.

Be my fucking guest bitch! Make my fucking day. She literally broke into Stephen's home and forced herself on him, again. Let alone the whole rape incident.

Slipping my shoes on one at a time I heard Stephen finally come down the stairs to face me. Approaching slowly he sat down on the couch, pulling at my arm so I could look at him.

"Baby girl I had no idea-"

"I'm tired Steph.." I spoke abruptly. The words shot out of my mouth before I could fully process them.

"You've had a long day so I understand if-"

"No I mean I'm tired. Tired of all this drama. Tired of having to beat a bitch for touching what's mine. Tired of all the lies. I'm just fucking tired!" I spoke dryly, looking right into his worried eyes.

"What does that mean?"

"I think I need.." I stopped making sure I was as clear as possible. "I think I need some time to myself." I confessed, rolling my lips together.

"What?" His face twisted in pain but I placed my hands on his cheeks, giving him a weak smile.

"I need a little bit of time to myself. It's nothing you did and I'm not mad at you. I know Daphne's desperate, willing to do anything to get her hands on you. I know that but I still need a break." I explained, hoping he'd see where I was coming from.

"For how long?" He whispered.

"I don't know.."

"What does that mean for us?"

"It doesn't mean anything Stephen! I still love you! I just need to get away, okay?" I pleaded. I didn't want him to feel rejected in any way but I needed this.

"Fine.." He agreed but I could tell he was all but okay with what I was suggesting.


"Just go, do whatever it is that you need to." He opened the door to a sobbing Daphne. Holding my shoe in my hand I slipped it on, glaring at the mess before me.

"Stephen your beast of a girlfriend attacked me-"

"Bitch, if you don't getcho raggedy ass outta here!" I pushed her and she stumbled. Before I could continue Stephen caught my waist, holding me to him.

"Leave!" His voice boomed around us, almost shaking the damn ground. Hell, I even shivered. "Don't come around here again! I fucking mean it!" Again his voice rumbled, his remorseless  demeanor made me bite my lip. Damn he's fucking sexy! I knew if I didn't get away from him I'd take back all that shit I said about needing a break.

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