T w e n t y S e v e n

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S t e p h e n POV

Yawning, I exited my vehicle and cracked my neck. Today was exceptionally long but it was a Monday, and I agreed to help someone with their route. I needed a food, a shower, Kayla, and a bed but I could only get three out of the four. Taking my keys out of my pocket I unlocked the door to be jumped on by a sniveling pregnant woman.

"I was just browsing the store for dinner options when she came out of nowhere..." Daphne heaved into my chest. I literally walked through the door two minutes ago and now here she is blubbering about something that happened at the grocery store. Groaning I set her down and continued into my home.

"Daphne.." It's not that I didn't care cause I did but I was exhausted and I couldn't get ahold of Kayla on the way drive over here. She usually helped me destress after long work days but she was probably working late. Some client of hers had been driving her nuts lately.

"She pulled me down and started beating my stomach!" She whined, and  lifted her shirt to show her swollen abdomen. Kneeling, I was brought face to face with purple and blue spots scattered all over her body. Running my hand over each and every one of them my blood started to boil. How could someone do this to a pregnant woman? Pressing particularly hard on the one just below her breast, Daphne yelped in pain. She wasn't ever suppose to be out by herself, we didn't even need groceries.

"Sorry.." I mumbled and stood to my feet. Daphne leaned into me and I wrapped an arm around her, carrying her over to the sofa. "She was so aggressive and kept repeating 'You can't have him! You can't have him!'" Daphne continued telling me the story but I was still trying to wrap my head around the simple fact that someone was crazy enough to assault a woman carrying baby. And hit her hard enough to leave marks.

"I tried to defend myself but she got a good swing in, nearly knocked me out.." Daphne weeped and curled into my side. I hadn't noticed when I walked in but her eye was a bit black as well. Pulling her close I allowed her to rest her head on my shoulder. Tears still leaked from her face, turning my postal shirt a deeper shade of blue. Her hands wrapped around my torso and I shifted uncomfortably, yeah she was hurt but I didn't like being like this with her. She often gets the wrong idea and I hadn't been this civil with her in a very long time. "It was so awful Stephen, I wanted nothing more than for you to be there an protect me."

"Daphne I'm not—"

"I know you're not my boyfriend.. But you should be! Just look what that spiteful bitch did-" There was a knock at the door that interrupted Daphne just in time. Unlatching her from my body I got up and opened the door to find Kayla standing there, about to combust. Her face red and her green eyes nearly black.

"Hey baby-"

"Where the fuck is she?" Kayla growled, pushing her way through.


"Daphne!" She yelled, I closed the door but gripped her arm. I didn't need Kayla going after Daphne when apparently she just got attacked at the grocery store.

"Baby wait slow down, why do you need her?" I guided her to the kitchen, making sure to keep Daphne out of her line of vision. I remembered the last time Kayla was here with Daphne, that day sucked.

"Because! The lying manipulative bitch just had me wrongfully tossed into police custody for trying to be a good person!" She spoke as calm as she could but it came off as yelling. "I was minding my own fucking business when she called my name and faked being in pain. I didn't wanna be rude so I rushed over to help her but she didn't need it!"

"What?" Kayla was talking so fast I had a hard time deciphering what she was saying.

"What is she doing here?" A shrill voice came from behind us and I whipped around to see Daphne cowering behind a wall with hot tears leaking down her face. Jesus, she's so fucking dramatic!

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