T w e n t y

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(On my Mind, Ellie Goulding- This song literally describes how Kayla was feeling)

Walking down the dark hallway I looked ahead to see a white door, bright light showing from the crack at the bottom. Moving forward, I opened the door and covered my mouth in surprise."Oh Wardell.." I stood idly by as Daphne mounted the man I loved. Her black hair flying everywhere as she rode him. I felt my stomach tighten and bile rise in my throat.

"Just like that baby girl.." He groaned while holding her waist. Tears flooded my eyes when he called her my nickname, I tried to turn away but some invisible force was holding my head in place. The bed squeaked as well as the wooden floor while they continued.

"I love you, and I'm so glad you picked me over that bitch!" Daphne voiced, raking her sharp nails down his chest, drawing blood.

"Always." I fell to my knees and sobbed loudly, my poor heart couldn't take much more.

An ear shattering scream left my lips as I sat up in bed, sweat dripping down my forehead to my chest. It happened again, the same fucking dream keeps replaying itself over every night. Pressing a hand to my heart I could feel the erratic beating and it scared me. How was I suppose to get over this man when he's all I think about? Constantly I find myself hoping, no praying that this whole thing was a figment of imagination. That Daphne was still away doing what ever she was doing before she came to Georgia.

Ever since Stephen and I parted ways my sexual appetite only heighten and nothing could satisfy it. And I've tried everything. No dildo, vibrator, or other man could fill this void that Stephen created and I hated him for it. My brain wondered to him regularly, my body craves his touch. I hated that I loved him so much. Turning over to glance at the clock I noticed it was nearing 3am and here I am hot and bothered yet again!

"What am I gonna do?" I asked out loud for the 60th time this evening, or morning. I had half a mind to call Stephen and talk this out but the better half voted against it. No doubt I wanted to see him, smash my lips against his as he slammed my back against the wall but that wasn't an option. He made his choice, and though it was tearing me to shreds I'd have to live with it. Sighing I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes, though I know sleep wasn't coming anytime soon.


Christmas Eve

I sat in a small cafe on Christmas Eve waiting for Harry to show up. I had run into him two days ago and offered to treat him to coffee sometime this week and today seemed to work out for both of us. I had taken some time off until the middle of January so I had nothing better to do. It's not like I have anyone to go home to, someone to spend Christmas with..

The door swung open and in came my curly haired friend. I met Harry in college a couple years back, he was studying to be a business owner at the time. We were close until he transferred to a different school, losing touch. Two years ago he came back and wondered into my office for financial  assistance and we reconnected.

"Hey you!" His thick accent rolled off his tongue catching the eye of a few girls sitting around me.

"Hello love!" I shot back earning a grin. A bit of that ol' Cheshire charm rubbing off on me. Him and his sister Vicky have been hanging out with me this past week, vowing to keep me company. Vicky and I shopped during the day  while Harry and I watched movies at night. Well until his wife calls him home.

"How are you?" He teased tugging and end of my sleeve.

"Fine, hanging in there ya know."

"Good, wouldn't want you fallin' apart now." He smiled and I blushed. Harry was handsome to say the least. He was tall, with a muscular build. Chocolate brown curls that swayed in the wind and the most amazing green eyes. Just like someone else I knew. If my heart weren't already taken and he wasn't married I'd date the hell out of this man.

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