T w e n t y F i v e

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(p.s. I don't speak French at all so don't get your big girl undies in a twist if it's incorrect. I used google translate--deal with it!) Now as you were! :)

K a y l a POV

"Boy if you don't put the ball down!" I laughed joyfully while watching Stephen shoot around. Yet again we were in the gym at an early hour, working out together. And as always we ended our session with a 'quick' visit to the basketball courts. He had this unnatural ability when it came to basketball, every shot he took went it.

"Why?!" He pouted dribbling the ball between his legs. Stephen stood at half court mindlessly bouncing the leather sphere. Arms glistening against the morning sunlight peeking through the gym windows. Stephen was always had strong arms but ever since we started working out they've gotten bigger, more defined.

"Cause, there is no way you're gonna make it from that spot three times in a row!" He quirked an eyebrow, challenging me.

"Bet?" Stephen smirked and I nodded. Confidently he dared to take a few steps back before pulling up and releasing the ball, hands holding their position in the air. Lazily my eyes followed the brown orange circle all the way up until it went in.

I should've known..

"You were saying?" Stephen gloated as he rushed over to me, engulfing my body into his arms.

"You just got lucky!" I poked his chest.

"Nah, all skill boo!" He kissed my cheek sweetly before picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder.

"Wardell Stephen Curry, put me-"

"Nope! I'm claiming my prize! I made the shot so deal with it!"

"But-" I was cut short when his hand connected with my backside, I bit my lip to suppress the moan trying to escape my throat.

"Hush, I'm taking what's mine!" Rolling my eyes, he carried me out of the gym with only a few lingering eyes on us.


The following afternoon I found myself in Atlanta with Sara. After meeting up with her a few weeks ago we mended our relationship and she asked me to be her Maid-Of-Honor. So now here we stood waiting in the rest area of Bridals by Lori, one of the bridal shop famous from the show 'Say Yes to the Dress'.

"What exactly are you looking for in a dress Sara?" I asked while flipping through one of the small catalogs they had laid out on the table. Most of these dresses were plain, dresses that I've seen a time to many.

"I'm not sure, I mean I have an idea but I'm open to anything. I'm just so happy Klay finally asked!" She gushed, eyes twinkling in the bright lighting.

"Such a sap!" I teased bumping my hip with hers.

"Girl please, if Stephen came running in here and fell on bended knee you probably wouldn't let the man finish before you screamed yes!" She side eyed me and I laughed. She was right but I still have to finalize my divorce, more like Brandon's ass needs to sign the papers! Plus I didn't want to rush anything with Stephen, he already had enough on his plate with Daphne and this baby..

"Whatever Sara!!" I placed the magazine down and took out my phone instead.

"Don't whatever me!" I shook my head and clicked the Jelly Jump app, I had to pass the time somehow.

Around forty-five minutes later a silver haired woman wearing all black came and took us back to the show room. There was a stage and millions of different people running about with dresses and veils galore. To my left there was a middle age bride with beautiful red hair pinned up in a bun. She wore a princess dress that was a cream color, with beading alone the neckline. Tears were pouring from her eyes as they placed a crystal covered veil on her head, and a thin belt around her tiny waist. And to my right was a young bride, much younger than the first. She was small, dark skinned, and had these big doe eyes. A full lace gown covered her body and kissed the floor as she walked to the center.

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