T h i r t y T w o

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Stephen POV

July 24, 2016

It was the day we'd been waiting for. The day Kayla would hopefully be free of her so called marriage. The day she could officially be mine and mine alone.


"You ready?" I asked, kissing her shoulder for reassurance. Though she was completely over Brandon and his bullshit, I knew this was nerve-wracking for her.

"More than you know!" She smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles in her pants suit. Her hair, which usually was wild, now tamed in a neat bun. And though her outfit screamed business, I couldn't keep my hands from gripping that ass.

"Good!" I chuckled, turning her around to face me. She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. I knew this was gonna be hard on her but I was gonna try my best to help her through it.


At the courthouse Kayla's hand was wound tightly in mine as we sat and waited for her case to be called. She was anxious, her knee bouncing religiously.

"Baby you gotta relax.." I tried but she paid me no mind. To my far right two figures were hastily approaching us and I tensed up, until I realized it was her parents.

"Sweet pea!" Her mother quickly embraced her small form, cradling her only child. Next was her father, his broad shoulders caving to hold his princess. And though she was being swaddled by her parents, Kayla never let go of mind hand. Coughing awkwardly the attention was placed on me.

"Hello again.." I murmured but stood my ground. If I wanted to continue to be in Kayla's life I had to show her parents that I deserved to be there. Show them that I was nothing like Brandon and that I had no intentions of hurting their daughter.

"Stephen!" Monica chirped, pressing a light kiss to me cheek. My face remained polite although I was nothing short of shocked. Next came her father and though he didn't really know me he wasn't rude or standoffish. George stuck his hand out for me to shake. "Nice to see you again son." I nodded, and Kayla giggled. I was glad she found amusement in our little exchange.

A short while later while Kayla's family and I talked a bit, Brandon and company ventured down the hallway. He wore a white button up and black slacks, still laced with stitches from the last time we'd seen one another.

"Why is he all patched up?" Monica asked, more so to her daughter.

"Stephen got ahold of him.." Kayla whispered and her father smirked.

"Well if it isn't the Vincent clan and their plus one." Brandon boasted, lifting his brows.

"Brandon, always a pleasure." George spoke bitterly.

"Cut the act Gerogie, it was never a pleasure seeing me. Just admit it!" It was clear Brandon was angry but I don't see why. He brought this on himself.

"Vincent vs. O'Connal." A monotone voiced called out and gained our attention. Sighing, we all made our way towards the entrance. I was bringing up the rear when I was stopped abruptly, still holding Kayla's hand.

"Family only.." The burly man stated, effetely disconnecting Kayla and I.

"But he's with me!" She placed her hands on her hips, ready to give this man an earful.

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