F o u r

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Stephen POV

To: Alyak03 Today 6:03 pm

So what are you making?

Passing long driveway after the next I headed back to the station. It was the ending to my 2nd month on the new route and I have to say, I'm glad I was switched. Though the area was upper crust and not many people spoke, I enjoyed it. I'd take anything over the last area I delivered to. To this day I can't get the images of Daphne's swollen belly out of my mind. I parked the truck and got the keys, ready to return them. Ever since this day started I had been itching to get the hell out of here.

In my pocket my phone vibrated wanting my attention. I pulled the small device from its hiding spot and glanced over, when I notice who it was from I smiled.

New Message from Alyak03 Today 6:04 pm

Stir fry! One of my favorite dishes.

I chuckled because I already knew her schedule. Alyak03 and I have been talking for well over 3 weeks and we've learned so much about one another.

To Alyak03 Today 6:06 pm

I'm beyond jealous, I wish I had dinner waiting for me at home.

New Message from Alyak03 Today 6:10 pm

I'll save you some!

To Alyak03 Today 6:11 pm

How generous of you :)

Once things were back in their place I gathered my stuff and made a beeline to my car. If I slowed someone would spot me, asking me to work overtime. I don't mind it usually but today I was tired, more than usual. Flying to my archaic jeep wrangler I got in, driving off in the direction of my place. I couldn't wait to get inside and shower. Working at the post office was a chore, but the worst part is the intense stench of sweat and dirt that lingered on me.

In my small townhouse I pulled off my boots and left them by the door. Living alone had it's upsides, I didn't have to worry about picking up after others. Bounding up the stairs I entered the bathroom and turned on the shower. The sound of running water calmed me, already relieving my sore body from the days stress.

Out of the shower I went to sit in front of my television and play a bit of 2K. Logging on I see that Klay and Allen are already in a game. I checked my phone again and see that Alyak03 responded.

New Message from Alyak03 7:25 pm

Haha I know, any who how was your day?

To Alyak03 Today 7:26 pm

It was long and I think I'm catching one hell of a tan.

New Message from Alyak03 7:34

Ohh so you work outdoors?

To Alyak03 Today 7:36

You could say that..

Up until now I have successfully avoided the topic of work in fear that I would scare her away. I didn't want to disappoint her with my 'not so important job'. I'm still in school, studying to become a forensic scientist but I still have two years left. Working at the PO was paying the bills right now.

Mr. PostmanWhere stories live. Discover now