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5 Years Later.

"Holy hot!" I mumbled whipping sweat from my brow. It was mid afternoon, around 3pm so I had plenty of time to relax before Brandon came storming in. Setting the hedge trimmer down I ventured out of the shade, the sun kissing my skin.

"Hey Joel!" I  sang marching up to my mail man.

"Mrs. O'Connal!" the older man hugged my shoulders while reaching in his bag. Ruffling through the worn out blue postal sack Joel sighed, his bones cracking due to old age. And you could bet walking out in this hot Georgia weather did him no good.

"Joel, did you want some water or something?"

"No I don't want to burden you doll." He shushed me handing over the few envelops that bore my name.

"Thank you!" I gushed turning to head back but a sudden crash caught my ears. Looking behind I saw Joel on the ground picking up the remainder of the mail. I rushed to his side, first helping him up making sure he was alright. His silver hair blowing in the breeze as he thanked me.

"Stay right here, I'm gonna get you some thing for the scrape." I demanded rushing to get the first aid kit that sat under my kitchen sink. I had first aid kits all around my house because honestly I never knew what could happen. Joel was still in the same spot when I retuned and I fixed him up.

"I'm gonna miss you ya know?" Joel's tired voice filled my ears.

"Miss me? Where am I going?" I joked earning a smile from the man.

"Not you me. This is my last day on the job. I'm ready to retire." He informed me and sudden sadness filled my eyes. Joel was one of the few people I talked to in this fancy neighborhood. Ever since I uprooted my life for Brandon and his job I'd been more than lonely.

"Tell me you're kidding Joel!" Desperation leaking though my small voice.

"Fraid not little lady!" He pulled me close and kissed my forehead. To Joel, I had become somewhat of a third daughter for him. He cared for me like his own. I had met his family and everything, thats just how close we'd become.

"Take care old timer!" Joel chuckled and waved as he walked to the next house. Who was I gonna talk to now?


The next day came quick, Brandon and I  were stretched out in bed. A blaring alarm rang out causing me to stir. Reaching over I hit the button, stopping the sound. At the side of me Brandon snored loudly, drool hitting his pillow.

"Brandon!" I  yelled shaking his arm.

"No, leave me alone dude!" he groaned shifting so the cover so it was over his head. Annoyed I got out the bed and went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror my hair was knotted, and eyes full of crust from the nights slumber. Phone in hand I looked at the time and grimaced, I only had 20 minutes to get ready before being late for work. Turning on the shower I got in letting the warm water wake my tired body.

Down in the kitchen I hurried around, the morning light catching my wedding ring.  "I'll see you after work?" I questioned pulling a banana from the table.

"Uhh no. I'm flying to Fiji with Doug.." Brandon responded, fixing his tie after taking bite of his slice of toast.

"I thought you didn't have to work till Wednesday?" I asked feeling a bit annoyed. I had planned on going back to our hometown, to see my family.

"I wanted the extra hours." Brandon answered plainly.

"Oh okay, I guess I'll see you when you get back then?" He nodded and kissed my forehead heading to the garage to get to the airport.

Picking up my mug I sipped the hot drink lightly looking out the big living room window. Birds chirped, cars passed, and mothers sent their kids off to school all while I'm here by myself.

In my peripheral my eye catches a male in blue shorts digging into the back of a mail truck. He had strong legs from what I could see, flexing when he stood on his toes reaching to the front. The unknown man closed the door and slung a bag on his shoulder getting ready to start his route.

Waving to Mrs.Waterman who was knee deep in dirt from gardening, he started on the far side of the rode across the street. Bored I got up and washed my cup, heading to my car. Today was gonna be long.

Around 3pm I strolled back in my home and kicked off my heels. Things at the office were stressful and I wanted nothing more than to come home to my husband. But of course he was away on a tropical island. I knew he would stay a few days then switch with the next pilot and come home. He didn't have stay all that time but he wanted to, he didn't want to come home to me. As years passed on I found myself putting more into this marriage that he did. We married when I was the tender age of 19, putting all the doubters behind us. I was happy then, even with the nay sayers. How I could go from head over heels to a loveless marriage with no sex is beyond me. But as they say hind sight is 20/20 and I should've listened to my mama.

Roaming the hallway I stripped out of my dress, stopping at the laundry room to toss it in the worn pile. I picked out some running shorts and a tank top to replace it. It was still blazingly hot outside so I figured why not go for a walk or something? I grabbed my nikes' and walked out. Plugging my headphones into my ears I searched my phone for a good song to walk/run to. Nothing I had snagged my interest, so I resort to my youtube playlist and strap my phone to my arm. Being the mindless person I am at the bottom of the driveway I smashed into someone, and they were pretty solid.

"Sorry I wasn't-" I looked up at the body I slammed into. It was magnificent. His hazel green eyes, sandy brown hair, and soft pink lips caught me off guard.

"I w-was uhh-" I was at a loss for words.

"Don't worry about it, was my fault anyway." He spoke with such grace. Deep voice filled with so much bass that it had ya girl sweatin'.

"No it was totally me, I should watch where I'm going." My brain finally found the words to put together a sentence. He smirked and nearly took my knees out with it. It was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen.

"Are you Mrs. O'Connal?"


"Uhh yeah, thats me." I said lamely. Digging into the almost empty bag on his shoulder the man handed a small pile of envelops to me.

"Here's your mail.." I took the papers from him and nodded my head. Dear lord was this Joel's replacement??

"Thank you!"

"No problem, it's my job.." He flashed a billion dollar smile causing my heart to speed up, then he left. I watched as his legs carried him away from me biting my lips.

Man Oh Man !!!!

I was happy I decided to go outside today!


Here is the actual first chapter! Okay so if you read Mr. Postman before it became an actually story you should recognize this. It was fused with some of the other events that needed to fall into place to make this story happen. The next few chapters will be similar to this one, with bits of the previous storyline placed inside. I would say around chapter 5 is when things really start taking off, meaning drama. So with that being said, 10 votes till the next chapter.

Love you all.


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