F o u r t e e n

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(p.s. I listened to 'No Air' while writing this. Gets me all in my feels.)

K a y l a POV

"Let's get coffee!" Sara suggested and I shrugged my shoulders. I really didn't have a preference. Since we'd been here this girl had me running all over the place. We did everything.. Scuba diving, cliff jumping, deep sea diving, tanning, and a whole bunch of eating. This place has beautiful food selections.

"That's cool, just let me grab my purse." I went back in the bedroom and gathered my things while slipping on my shoes. Sara convinced me to get out the house and go on a short two week vacation with her. The sunny skies and clear waters of Zakynthos, Greece soothed the constant ache in my chest but didn't cure it. I hadn't seen or heard from him since end of June. 

It's October now.

Walking back to meet Sara I saw her tapping away on her phone, probably talking to Klay. He always calls to check on her, or 'us' in the mornings.

"Ready?" I asked adjusting my jacket.

"Leggo!" I chuckled and followed her out the door.

"So I was thinking we could go boating or something today. We've been here for a week and half and haven't really just chilled to take in the scenery.." She hit the button so the elevator would go to the lobby.

"Ohhhh yea! We can go swimming too!" I stated in, popping my gum. Sara side eyed me running a hand on her stomach. The big doors opened and we were greeted by the concierge. He was a cutie, with blue eyes and dark chocolate hair that was wound up in a man bun. To bad I didn't speak his language, nor was I interested. Even though it's been months I still can't stop thinking bout him.

As soon as I step foot outside, the blazing sun kissed my skin. Looking up all I could see was clear blue sky. It looked like something out of a magazine. I wonder what he's doing. My phone was tucked away in my purse preventing me from giving in and talking to him. I didn't want to bother him anyway. He's probably living out his life with Daphne or something.

"Hellllloooooooooooooo!" Sara waved her hand in front of my face, effectivly snapping my focus back.


"Can you get your mind off Stephen for five seconds so we can cross the street without dying?" She poked my side causing me to giggle. Slapping her hand away Sara whined like it really hurt.

"I'm not thinkin' bout him!" I lied and I knew she saw right through it. Over the past few months Sara has become my partner in crime. Hell, in a way she's sort of replaced Blair! A few days after the ball Sara showed up at my house and pounded the door relentlessly. For the first couple hours I paid her no mind, but she kept going. A few days passed and her ass was still outside my door, adamant about getting in. Naturally I felt bad and let her in, noticing the few dents her little fists left in the wood. From what I've learned Sara's a fixer, and she made it her life's mission to help me. No matter how bad I didn't want her to. She saw my state and comforted me, and made sure that I always stayed busy. It was hard as hell to mope with her around.

"Yea right! I saw 'the look'." She used her hands to air quote. "The 'I miss Stephen so much look' you always do it when you let your mind wonder back to him!" I groaned when she pulled my arm and lead me across the street to the little coffee shop we visited ealier that week.

"Thought we agreed, no relapsing.." We stood in line. The fresh smell of coffee beans filled the air causing me to inhale deeply. Caffeine is my weakness, outside of that green eyed monster I'd fallen for. 

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