E i g h t e e n

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{I listened to Real Life by the Weeknd and Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift while writing this}

((- - long a/n at the bottom!))

"Damn Baby" Stephen groaned once we clasped on the kitchen floor. Chocolate, whipped cream, and an array of different fruit spread around us. We had the tendency to get messy when it came to sex.

For the past couple weeks we couldn't keep our hands off one another. After crossing the thin line I drew to protect myself from getting hurt, I couldn't get enough of him. Morning sex turned into evening sex, which then turned into any reason sex!

'There's nothing in TV sex'

'Dinner sex'

'I just got off of work sex'

'Shower sex'

'Stressed out sex'

'I missed you sex'

And my personal favorite

'In my office sex..'

I didn't see how I was still able to walk. Not that I'm complaining.

"I can't get enough of you Kayla.." He said sweetly, kissing my left shoulder.

"The feeling is mutual!" I smirked moving so I could sit up. Reaching over to get my phone I looked at the time and sighed. It was nearing 3am and Stephen had to get some sleep if he wanted to be able to function at work tomorrow.

"It's getting late boo.." I informed caressing his long fingers that worked magic on my body.

"I know." He sat up and leaned next to me, naked body covered in smeared dried chocolate. Across his chest I could see the well defined scratch marks I created. The little lines bringing back memories.

"We should go to bed.."

"Can we just sit here a few more moments?" Stephen asked and I tilted me head to the side in confusion. Lately he's been more attached and cherishing little moments we spent together. He would hold my hand for eons and let his lips linger on mine a bit longer when we kissed. His hands would roam my body as if trying to memorize each curve in great detail. When he hugged me he would hold on to me for dear life, like he knew it could be his last time. I often found myself questioning why he did this, why this sudden change? It wasn't like I planned to leave him.. I love him. Maybe he just needed to hear me say it..

Stephen pulled me into his lap, my bare ass brushing his shaft. He wrapped his long arms around my waist and nuzzled his head deep in the crook of my neck. I sighed and leaned into him, enjoying our closeness.

The moon beamed though the kitchen window, only adding to this already relaxing state we were in. Sitting here listening to the thud of Stephen's heart beat brought butterflies to my stomach. With his arms holding me so tight I felt light headed and never wanted to leave his embrace. This is what love felt like and for the fist time in my entire life it felt real, honest. Nothing could compare to the swelling feeling I get when I was around him and at the moment I wanted to shout it! Scream it from the roof tops!

I was in love with Wardell Stephen Curry, my postman..

"Stephen?" I mumbled. Even though I knew I wanted to tell him I was still feeling nervous.

"Yea?" His grip only tighten, as he trailed kisses down my neck.

"I-I" the sound of his phone cried out, breaking my confidence and the comfortable atmosphere around us. Groaning he unhooked his arm and reached behind him on the counter. Sighing I place my head in my hands..

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