F i f t e e n

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Panting and sweating Kayla and I stumbled into the front door of my town home. My hands were glued to her ass and hers stuck to my chest. Her finger nails scrapped the skin and my eyes closed shut, completely enjoying the sensation. Peeling off my shoes and jacket, I returned my attention to Kayla and guided her backwards.

"Mmm" Kayla groaned when her back came in contact with the wall that leads to my staircase. On the car ride over we decided my place was closer than hers. Kissing the base of her neck my hands slid down to her thighs, I lifted her.

"Where do you wanna-"

"Anywhere Stephen!" She shouted, voice full of lust. Hastily I carried her to my room while her lips attacked my neck. Hands tugging on the hairs sat at the nape. A burning desire flourished between us and it was hard to control the urge to take her right, in the fucking hallway. Using my foot I kicked open the wooden door and sat her luscious body down on the bed, getting the first real look at her since the super market.

Her vivid green eyes were low and plush rose colored lips a bit swollen from kissing. Her usual neat pony tail a mess with hair's spilling from the elastic band used to hold it. She wore a maroon sweater, for it being a bit cooler than the summer months. Legs clad in black leggings that accentuated her toned legs and that delicious curve of her backside.

"Are you gonna touch me or??" I hear her say and I gently push her back and climb between her legs. I had been waiting for this moment for so long but now that it's here, I'm not sure what to do. I'm not even sure why she agreed to this. We certainly hadn't resolved anything but by our actions you'd never be able to tell. As I hovered above her, her hands trailed up and down my arms. Her touch set fire to my skin and I welcomed it. I missed being near her so badly. Leaning down I kissed her neck, cheek, then corner of her mouth. Sighs left her lips and I smiled, I was the reason for those sounds.

Taking my sweet time I reached to take off her sweater and little tank top she had on under it. Her breathing picked up when I grazed the upper part of her chest.

"Relax baby girl.." I spoke, even though I was just as anxious as she was. I was far from a virgin and I knew Kayla wasn't either but in this moment it felt like all the experience I had vanished. I wanted to please her like no other man could but I was struggling with how to go about it. Folding her legs so her feet lay on my sheets, I rolled her leggings off her hips, dropping them to the ground. My eyes shot open when I realized she decided to go out without panties. Eyes wide and beyond ready I parted her legs a little bit further and set myself between them. Even in the moonlight I could tell just how wet she was for me.

All for me..

Slowly I inched closer to her, my heart beating erratically in my chest..

"Stephen wait.." Kayla called out and my eyes shot up to meet her gaze.

"Are you okay?" I asked my voice shaking with concern.

"I'm fine it's just.. I don't think we should do this. I'm still mad and hurt, I don't want out first time to feel rushed or.. I don't know." She confessed and I let out a breath. We were so close but I didn't want to make any more upset than she already was.

"I understand.." I picked up her clothes and handed them to her, turning my back so she could get dressed. Once she was clothed we headed back downstairs in an awkward silence. Things were never like this with us before so neither one of us really knew how to act..

"So um, I'll see you around?" Kayla said, small hand reaching for the door.

"I-uh.. I guess so." My lips said but my heart screamed other wise. I didn't want to have to wait to see her again. Its been 4 months and I dont want to happen to be in the same place for us speak. I want her, all of her now and to have her walk out the door.. Away from me again I just.. I don't know what to do.

Kayla opened the door and wrapped her small frame in the sweater she had. I watched as her legs carried her to the white Mercedes she must have purchased during out time apart. Her sleeve covered fingers reached for the handle and she got in, starting the car then driving off.


"What did you expect Wardell?" Kay lectured me while walking into his shared home with Sara. "Did you think she was gonna jump your bones and forgive you?" Klay and I had been going back and forth on what to do about my current situation. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place and have yet to reach a conclusion.

"No Klay, I didn't even expect her to allow me to help her at the grocery store, let alone come back to my place." I groaned an sat on his couch. The smell of post roast filled the living room, Sara must be cooking.

"I'm just saying, you should've known better. Kayla isn't Daphne, sex doesn't fix everything. You need to man up and talk to her about everything. Do something special for her or whatever.." Klay tailed off and clicked on his TV.

"I don't have the money to do something grand like I want to!" I argued crossed my arms like a child. What part of his wasn't he getting? I still had a couple years left in school before I can even begin to afford what Kayla truly deserves.

"Ow!" I yelped when Klay tossed his remote at my knee, successfully hurting me.

"What was that for?" I complained, rubbing the sore spot.

"Kayla isn't Daphne! When are you going to realize that?" Klay scolded. "Since when has she ever asked you to do anything that involved spending tons of fucking money? Since when has she ever asked you for anything really?" He huffed turning his attention back to the television.

"Look Steph, Kayla is one hell of a girl who doesn't need your help financially or bugs you ever second of the day. You need to stop acting like you're the one hurt in the situation and wife her  before she gets snatched up by somebody else!" Klay finished and I grimaced. He was right.

I needed to get my act together and come up with a way to say I'm sorry before she finds someone else.

But what can I do for a girl who doesn't need anything done for her?? Shaking my head I pulled my phone out to dial her number but before I could In noticed I had a few text from Daphne.

From Daph:

Stephen, I need you.



Bruh, I've been away for sometime and this is well overdue. What do you think Stephen should do? Don't you just love Klay? Any who I went to my third One Direction concert and it was everything. This time around I was on the floor and had a better view of my boyfriend Harry Styles!!!! He's such a fucking babe and I love him so much! UHHHHHHHHHHHHH Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter and continue to vote and comment!!!

All the Love

A very Happy Birthday to Liam Payne!

Kails! :)

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