N i n e

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Waiting I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet, nervous. I don't know why I just..am. I got off work early today, cause I sped through my route. Earlier that morning Kayla texted asking if I wanted to meet up, which I did. So now, here I stood in the parking lot of a Marriott that looked far to expensive to stay more than one night. The sliding doors open and my head lifted to meet her gaze, but sadly it was an older couple walking out hand in hand. Sighing I put my head back down and toyed with the keys to my car, letting my mind wonder.

Why is she at a hotel?

What's wrong with her house?

Is her husband hurting her?

Is she okay?

Several different questions buzzed around my head ever since she called but I was most curious about that text. I peered at the screen of my phone for more than 20 minutes, at a lost for words. I didn't expect her to respond like that.. But I wasn't complaining.

Getting back in the car I turned on the radio, trying to drown out the dirty thoughts. I'd give anything to hear her moan 'daddy' as she rode me...

Soft knocks to my passenger side window pulled me from my fantasy and my face lit up like a christmas tree.

"May I help you ma'am?" I asked rolling down the window. Kayla smiled, tilting her head to the side.

"Well, I was looking for this guy name Stephen. Kinda giant compared to me, sandy brown hair, spectacular green eyes. Maybe you've seen him?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Nah, I haven't seen him but maybe you'd settle for me?" Kayla tossed her head back, roaring with laughter. The sound warmed my heart. I unlocked the door and she hopped right in. It didn't take long for me to notice her outfit.

"So what's up??" I questioned pulling off onto the street.

"The sky!" I side eyed her shaking my head. Never did she...

"Really Kayla?"

"Really Stephen!" she laughed again and I couldn't help but join in. Her joyful attitude is contagious.

"How you been?" I heard after she calmed down, her right hand landing on the back of my neck. Goosebumps rose when she touched me. God, did I miss her!

"I've been fine, just waiting on you to get back!"

"I bet!" Kayla wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I smiled slyly.

"Where are you taking me Mr. Postman?"

"Well, it's kinda something I've always wanted to do just not by myself. And no I'm not telling you so sit back and enjoy the ride." I stopped at the red light.

"Yes sir." There she goes again with the 'Yes sir' or 'Yes daddy'. I looked over to find her sitting back with her hands in her lap looking out the window. Hair falling down her shoulders, spilling onto her white top. My eyes wondered down to her exposed stomach, the skin looking a bit darker. I'm guessing she sat out in the sun while in Florida. Further down my gaze caught her slender legs-

"Stephen the light's green." She informed and I returned my attention back to the road.


"Urban Roller Rink?" Kayla questioned and I nodded eagerly. I haven't done anything like this since I was younger and I was a bit rusty, but I was willing to embarrass myself in front of Kayla if it meant a good time.

"Yea, you can skate right??" I trailed off maybe she didn't think it'd be fun or wanted to do something more mature..

"We don't have to-"

Mr. PostmanWhere stories live. Discover now