A f t e r

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Slicing my third container of strawberries in half I dumped the seedy fruit into a big glass bowl, pinching a bit of sugar in as well. To my left sat some grapes and cherries that I planed on tossing in there too. Turning back to the fridge I grabbed the medium sized picture full of virgin daiquiri I made for Sara's sake. Sighing, I stacked the lunch meat together and made everyone a little sandwich. By the time I was done, ya girl was sweatin'.

"Kayla!" I shifted and tilted my sun glasses in the direction of the voice.


"You gotta come see the girls!" Sara's excited self bubbled. Smiling, I washed my hands and tucked a few Capri Suns under my arm. Carrying three juice pouches I slid the patio door open and stepped out. The hot summer sun beamed down and kissed my skin, it was so hot I was sure you could fry an egg on the pavement. It had to be more than ninety degrees outside.

Kendall and Savannah were splashing around pool with their father while Klay held a year younger Stella above the water

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Kendall and Savannah were splashing around pool with their father while Klay held a year younger Stella above the water. Pool floats and disney princess toys littered the surrounding area so heavily it looked like a kid paradise. But with parents and grandparents like our kids had, how could they not be spoiled. My mother and father were so over the moon when the got word of my pregnancy they lost their shit and bought everything in sight and then some.

Reaching the shallow end of the pool I watched in amazement as my girls swam around their father and uncle Klay without their arm floats. Stephen cheered them on, claiming all those swim lessons paid off.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look!" Kendall swam over to the edge of the pool, placing her small hands on the hot ground.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look!" Kendall swam over to the edge of the pool, placing her small hands on the hot ground

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"That's so great baby!" I called out as I set their drinks down. Soon enough six sets of feet scurried over to the table, greedily taking small sips. Laughing I set my hands on my daughters heads, ruffling their wet curls. Though I see these girls everyday I still couldn't believe it, I was actually a mother. After all those years of thinking I couldn't get pregnant, every sleepless night. All those years of Brandon judging me and rubbing it in my face, it finally happened and with the right man. I couldn't ask for a better guy to father my children.

"Baby girl.." Stephen's low voice crept into my ear as his arms snaked around my waist. His black wedding band shimmering in the light. It's been five years, five whole years with this man and I fall more in love everyday. His pink lips pecked my cheek earning a groan from Sara, she's so damn dramatic.

"Y'all aren't sick of one another yet?" She joked and placed a hand on her swollen belly. She was due about three weeks from now and Klay was over the moon. Him and Steph were both praying for a boy they could toss into every spot possible. Both men stating that there were out numbered.

"Not even in the slightest!" I giggled as Stephen pecked my cheek again.

"Fine! Be all in love!" Sara whined.

"Girl, bye! You're just as bad with Klay!" I pointed out while Klay rubbed her shoulders. Sara opened her mouth to respond but decided not to, earning a chuckle from her husband.

"Mommy I'm hungry!" Savannah burst, showing her over dramatic side, definitely following in her aunt Sara's foot steps. Nodding I took her little wet hand and guided her towards the kitchen with her sister and Stella hot on my heels.


A few hours later we were all settled in the house about to eat dinner. Sara and I offered to make dinner while the guys watched the kids. Both of us in the kitchen was a lot easier plus it made everything much more fun. Sara was hilarious and never failed to have me in tears with her ridiculous pregnancy cravings.

"Seriously, marshmallow fluff and asparagus?" I scrunched my nose and shook my head. I knew how it felt to want strange shit but Sara took it to another level.

"Don't knock it till you try it!" She shrugged and continued eating her vile creation. In the living room I could hear the lyrics to Frozen-The Sequel being sung at high volumes. I could only imagine what was going on in there.

A little bit later I was done setting the table and everyone was filing in. Stephen and Klay had tiaras on their heads with big pink boas wrapped tightly around their necks. Laughing I set the chicken down right in the middle, taking my seat soon after. Lacing our hands together for grace I looked around the table at my family, taking in how blessed I was. How amazing my life turned out to be, without the negative people of my past.

"Let ea-" Klay started but was cut off by the doorbell. It was around eight in the evening and we weren't expecting company. Twisting my face in confusion I lifted my shoulders as Stephen went to answer the door. The rest of us continued eating, not really thinking much of it.

"Steph who is it?" I called out but received no answer. Raising a brow I instructed the girls to go upstairs, it wasn't like Stephen to not answer back right away. With Klay right behind me I walked towards the front door, reaching Stephen fairly quick. His tall frame stood stock still as the cool evening breezed whipped his face. Moving to stand in front of him to get a better look at the visitor I tilted my head to the side. The woman held an uncanny resemblance to the man I loved, a bright smile lacing her face.

"Babe who-"

"Kayla Curry meet Sonya Curry." His voice was hushed, face pale, left arm wrapping around my waist possessively.

" His voice was hushed, face pale, left arm wrapping around my waist possessively

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"My mother."

The End


Mr. Postman is officially over and I am at a loss for words. I can't believe I finished this book in less than an year. I also can't believe the response it got. When I started this, I had no idea it would get as much attention as it did and I am so grateful. I cannot that each one of you enough for giving my story a chance!

Now that this is over I hope you all join me for my next book 'The Trainer!' It's also a Stephen Curry story and will be filled with even more drama!

Stephla or Stayla foreva


All the love


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