T w e n t y O n e

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S t e p h e n

"..So I want to take you!" I explained to her again. We'd been going back and fourth for eons now and I could tell she was backing down slowly but surely.

"Why?" Kayla sighed and I knew she was rubbing her forehead, trying to find a way to get out of this.

"Because I found something you haven't done before!" And it was true. It took me forever to find something Kayla hasn't already done. She came from money so it was hard to find something I could do for her that her father hasn't done already. I suggested everything from sky diving to snorkeling but had been shot down at ever turn.

"No Stephen!"


"Don't whine!" She laughed at me and I smiled. I felt so lucky that she gave me another chance.

"C'mon let me take you, I already booked a flight and everything!"

"You already went ahead and booked the flight?" She sounded surprised and thats when I knew I had her. She couldn't say no, she wouldn't. I already spent the money.



"Baby girl.."

"You're so annoying!" High pitched voice she used when she was annoyed blared through the speaker of my iPhone.

"I know I know, so will you go?" I asked again, jutting my lip out.


"Please?" I exhaled deep and rubbed my eyes. "You told me to put forth more effort and I'm trying to but you won't let me." I confessed and she sighed. I'd been trying to take her places and do nice things for her but she was stubborn and wouldn't let me do things my way.

"I just don't want you spending unnecessary amounts of money on-"

"I want to!" Point. Blank. Period. I wanted to spend money on her like she deserves, shower her with whatever she wanted and then some.

"Uhhh, fine!!" She finally gave in. After planning and pleading she finally gave in. I had been planning to take one big vacation soon anyway. What better way to show Kayla I love her than with a surprise trip to Hawaii? Kayla doesn't know where we're going, she just knows it's a water park somewhere. With all the money her family has it was hard to believe she hadn't done that before. Hanging up the phone I put it in my pocket and stalk up the stairs, huge smile on my face.

Going into my bedroom I pulled my suitcase from under my bed and started packing. I couldn't wait to spend some time alone with Kayla, away from all this madness. Stuffing shorts, shirts, and trunks into my bag a soft knock sounded at my door.

"Yeah?" I yelled form my position on the floor.

"Can I came in?" Daphne asked from behind the wooden door.

"Why?" I dragged, whatever she had to say was about to kill my light mood.

"Just to talk."

"Alright." She pushed the door open and came to sit at the end of my bed. Daphne's belly was full on noticeable now, showing through any shirt she wore. It was amazing to see but still brought a mighty uneasy feeling. She drugged me in order to create the child growing inside her, my child. I hated that she went this far, she could've had a child with anyone she wanted. Why me? Why take things into her own hands?

"What it is?" I asked still folding clothes to put in my bag.

"I just wanted to see what you were doing."

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