T w e n t y F o u r

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Daphne POV

Here he comes looking' all cheery and shit and here I am feeling terrible. I watched as he hauled different bags in the house. Stephen came home two months ago and that stupid smile is still plastered on his face. His eyes are brighter, his smile is warmer and his arms are bigger. He had been working out for that bitch, bettering himself for her. It's like he's this whole new person and it killed me to see him so happy, without me. Hardly speaking to me, Stephen carried himself around with this giddy aura and it's all because of her!

The door opened and Stephen came in carrying this weeks groceries. Through the blue plastic bags I could see all the healthy crap he was going to try to get me to eat. Stephen had been on my ass lately about eating just junk food and it was driving me nuts. Saying how unhealthy it was for the baby, this kid wasn't even his for God's sake.

"Hey.." I bubbled and ran a hand over my very swollen belly.

"Hello." He mumbled and continued his walk to the kitchen. Stephen had gotten better with conversation but he still wore a scowl whenever I was near him.

"I got what you asked for." He spoke again and started to unpack everything. I stood and waddled over to where he was standing. I scrunched up my face at the eggs and kale. Something about eggs made my insides feel like mush and made me wanna puke.

"Thank you.." I reached over him and picked up the sugar cookies, my nostrils catching the wonderful scent he always seem to carry. I lingered there for a little bit, just taking in what I missed so dearly.

"Uhh Daphne?" He questioned and moved away, stuffing things into cabinets and drawers.

"Sorry.." I took my cookies and went to my seat on the couch. The place I always seemed to be. Flicking through channels my phone caught my attention and the screen showed a picture of an airplane.

Brandon was calling me.

Making sure Stephen wasn't looking, not that he would anyway, I hurried out the door and walked down the sidewalk. Far enough away so that I could speak without getting caught.


"Daph?" Brandon sounded winded, like he was running or something.

"Yeah?" I tilted my head to the side and waved to a couple of the neighbors who I had gotten to know while being here.

"Is he there?" I rolled my eyes as Brandon referred to Stephen as 'he'. Ever since the charity ball Brandon's had a hard time saying his name.

"Yeah, but he's in the house, I'm outside." I confirmed allowing Brandon to release a breath.

"Oh, good.. How's itty bit?"

"Fine, he misses his daddy.." I bit and I heard Brandon sigh. It had been hard on us, the strain of dealing with all these people. Blair, Kayla, Stephen, Elena, Doug, Klay, and Sara. It was hard keeping up this lie. On several occasions I'd thought about just blurting the truth but I can't. If I come clean then I'd lose Stephen for sure, and I wasn't ready to give him up. This baby is keeping hope alive, that maybe one day he'd come back to me. Maybe see that what we had is worth fighting for.

"I bet he does.." Brandon spoke sarcastically and I groaned, he's such an ass.

"Yeah, how's Blair?" I asked pushing his shitty attitude aside. Brandon sighed again, I could tell he was running a hand through his hair. He often did that when he got frustrated.

"She's fine, still running around in blissful ignorance."

"When are you gonna tell her about the baby?" I questioned, biting my lip right after.

"I don't know, and keep you voice down. I don't know if she's around the corner listening!" He barked and I pulled the phone from my face. I didn't need anyone else yelling at me,

"Brandon, don't you think Stephen will get suspicious if the baby doesn't have any of his features when it's born? Don't you think he's gonna notice as it grows that it looks exactly like you!!! Don't you think Blair will notice????? Oh What about your and Blair's daughter, hmm? Don't you think she'll notice her brother looks a little too much like aunt Daphne?"

"I told you not to try and pass it off as his!"

"I panicked, I didn't want Blair to be mad at me and I knew he would believe me!"

"Whatever!" Brandon scoffed.

"Just tell her!" I yelled getting angry, I was tired of hiding this form Blair.

"I'll tell her when she tells Kayla!" His voice rose again but he got it under control before Blair could hear. I assumed they were together.

"You know she's not going to do that. Kayla was her best friend, what kinda of best friend does what Blair did!"

"Whatever, I was just calling to check in. Seems like you're fine, bye.." And what that he hung up. The cool March air whipped my face and I groaned. I knew this was all gonna blow up in my face.


"What do you want for dinner? I could get you something before I leave for Kayla's" Stephen asked while putting his shoes on. He was leaving me here to go see that slut Kayla again. They spent almost everyday together and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Um, no. I'll be fine.." I shifted uncomfortably and crossed my arms, pouting a bit.

"You're sure?" I nodded and trembled my lip. I wasn't really gonna cry but I could put on a show.

"Stephen couldn't you just stay in tonight. Spend some time with the mother of your child?" I asked more like pleaded as my fake crying intensified. I need him to really believe me and spend some time with me.



"I can't cancel on her, I love her. Yes, you are the mother of my child and I'm more than happy to get you anything you need but I love Kayla and I wanna se her.." He spoke so fondly of her, so lovingly.

"You saw her yesterday!" I whispered.

"I know, but I-"

"Is this what it's gonna be like when we co-parent? You're gonna pick you're home wrecking girlfriend over me and the baby??" I took it a step further, knowing he got emotional when I brought up the kid.


"All I'm asking for is one night, just stay here with me.." Tears were leaking form my face now and I knew by the look in his eyes that I had won.


I smiled and scooted over, patting the seat next to me. Mama always gets what she wants!


Oooo chile. Well now y'all know the baby isn't Stephen's. It's Brandon's.. And Blair is a little.... Poor Kayla y'all, poor Kayla! Elena plays a huge roll in this as well as Doug. Stephen is just trying to be a good person so don't get mad at him for staying with Daphne. Anywho I know it's been a while but i'm still here and I can't wait to finish this book for you.

My birthday is slowly approaching and I couldn't be more excited! November 28th is about to be too lit! If one of you could send me Harry, Stephen, or Grant that would be the best birthday gift ever! Or all three please??

All the love


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