T w e n t y T h r e e

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K a y l a

Aggressively Stephen gripped my hair, pulling my head back exposing my neck to his greedy lips. My hands raced to his neck, holding back sounds of pleasure as he nipped the skin just above my collar bone. Lifting his head he kissed my swollen lips tenderly as I held him close, us dipping the right side of the mattress of the bed.

"You're so hard headed Kayla.." Goosebumps rose on my arms as his thick fingers roamed my skin. Stephen trailed kisses from my neck to the valley of my breast, the lower he got the more labored my breathing became.

"I want to go all out for you, show you how much I really love you.." His soft pink lips stopped just above my panty line, large hands rested on either side of my hips. Those beautiful green eyes holding mine captive, in one heated stare down.

"You already have Steph.." I said barely above a whisper while fisting the sheets when he lowered his head, positioning himself between my legs.

"No, not like I want to." He said gently wrapping his fingers around the waistband of the lace fabric that stood between his lips and my heat. I could feel myself slowly loosing my mind with anticipation, and I know Stephen was enjoying it. At a snail's pace he removed my panties and tossed them to the side, the garment hitting the ground.

Stephen placed himself in his previous position and I smiled, finally I was about to get what I wanted. Effortlessly he separated my tense thighs, and marveled at the sight in front of him. Though we've had sex before this time felt different, and I wasn't sure why.  He trailed his right hand down my side causing me to squirm. Teasingly his finger grazed my inner thigh then slipped into to my dripping core. Almost instantly my eyes rolled to the back of my head when his tongue circled my sensitive clit, back arching to the point of breaking.

"Oh fu-" Stephen fingers pumped in and out sending waves of pleasure all over my body. My voices cracked when he sucked hard, teeth lightly grazing the little nub. My stomach churned with need, and pulsing desire. The high that I wanted so badly was nearing and my hips gyrated, only adding to the increasing pleasure being given to me. I was full on riding his face and loving it the feeling of the little stubble on Stephen's face.

"Ahh I'm gonna-" I moaned hands pushing his head deeper into my folds when he sat up, pulling from me completely. My eyes shot open with a deep scowl on my face.

"Stephen!" I shouted when our eye connected, a deep smirk on his lips.

"You didn't think I'd let you have you way now did you?" Full pink lips glistening in the dim lighting.


"No, this was just a taste of what will happen. Just be patient." Stephen got up and left and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Completely frustrated I laid my head back on the fluffy pillow, closing my eyes tight. The shower turned on so I guess that was my cue to leave, but I didn't. In the distance I could hear the soft grunts being horribly masked by the running water. Though Stephen was trying his hardest to hold out, I could tell he was ready to crack. All he needed was a stronger push.


Breathing in deeply, I inhaled the Hawaiian air one more time before boarding the plane. Stephen and I were returning home and I wasn't the least bit happy about it.

"Did you have fun?" he nudged my side and I smiled.

"Yeah, even though you keep denying me, I had the best time of my life!" I couldn't help but throw a little shade his way. Smirking he hooked and arm around my waist and guided me through the airport.

Back at home I kicked my shoes off and yawned heavily. The plane ride home was long and I wanted nothing more then to crawl in bed next to Stephen but he had to go check on Daphne.. I hauled my suitcase up the stairs and pulled it inside my room. Once inside I collapsed on the bed not even bothering to take my clothes off. As I laid my mind filled with images of Stephen's head deep between my legs and how skilled his fingers were. I whimpered just thinking about it, clamping my legs shut.

"Uhhh." I rolled over and looked out the window praying this little wait would be over soon.


The next morning I found myself walking in the park with my hands round a Starbucks cup. The cool January air nipping my cheeks as couples with dogs passed by me on their morning stroll. Stephen called my earlier saying that we would meet up later, now I just had to kill time. In my purse my phone rang scaring a few birds off their branches, I reached in trying my damnedest to find it.

"Hello?" I pressed the phone to my ear, holding cup in the other hand.

"Kayla?" The shrill timid voice sounded though my speaker

"Sara?" I questioned, totally stunned to hear from her.

"Yeah, it's me.."

"How are you?" I blurted. I haven't heard from her in so long. I stopped talking to her after the whole Daphne thing because it was like everyone knew what was going on but me. I considered Sara to be one of my best friends so for her to not tell me Daphne was pregnant with Stephen's baby, I was hurt.

"I'm fine, just hanging out ya know?"

"Yeah, was there a reason you called?" I didn't mean to sound rude, I actually did want to talk to her. But I guess I was still bitter.

"Can we meet up? Talk about everything?" Rolling my bottom lip between my teeth I hesitated.


"Please, you're my best friend and I have news I wanna share it with you!" Sara pleaded.

"Does it involve Daphne?" Uhh just saying her name sparked this deep hatred inside me.

"No!" Sara damn near shattered my eardrum.

"Fine, Saddie's Pie Place in 15 minutes.."

"Done!" Sara cheered and I hung up.

Here goes nothing..


This is unedited but Welcome to out last filler chapter for awhile! Next few chapters with be filled with drama and you know Daphne is the queen when it comes to causing problems! I hope you guys aren't to mad that I didn't continue with the sex scene, I want you all to wait for it! Any who I hope you all have a very happy Halloween and party hard. I'm going to a party dressed as Princess Jasmine while my sister is Tiana. We look like sluts but I mean hey, it's only right!

What are you guys gonna be?

Don't forget to check out my other stories

-Song's on 12 Play




All the love


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