T w e n t y N i n e

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Kayla POV

The atmosphere shifted and tension was thick. Fear creeped into Blair's heart and it was written all over her face. Pure, nothing clouding it, rage rippled off my body.

I was ready. With my arm cocked back and fist so damn tight I felt the skin splitting.

Three more strides and I would have nailed her ass to the crips fucking floor, but I couldn't reach her. Like a raging bull, I'd been so focused on my target I didn't think about all the other people in the room.

Almost breaking them, my arms were slammed to my sides far to aggressive for it to be Stephen or Klay. And if it had been then I'd beat the hell out of either one of them for being so rough. Instantly I was pulled ten years away from Blair, going in the opposite direction. By now, our little group had the whole hospitals attention. Security guards included.

"Get the fuck-" I was stopped mid sentence by an officer with raised brows.

"Problem?" He questioned, popping his gum with his arms lazily crossed.

"Not at all sir, my friend just needs some air.." Brandon lied swiftly, earning a sharp nod from the man. With one last look he returned to his post, somewhere in a distant hallway.

"C'mon, I thought you were tougher than that?" Brandon's sick voice rasped in my ear. I struggled in his grasp as he tightened around me. Furious, I twisted violently until I was suddenly dropped to the floor. I landed pretty hard but luckily my ass absorbed most of it. I had no idea why I had been let go but I didn't question it. I didn't have time. Scrambling I stood to my feet and bolted back in the direction of Blair and just like the coward she is, she darted.

Oh no, that ass is mine!

Her brown hair was flying towards the direction of the back entrance, while her daughter was being held back by Klay.

Thank God for him!

Pivoting my foot slightly I sped up and tackled her narrow backstabbing ass to the pavement, not giving a damn that I could possibly be arrested. Without any hesitation I whipped her around so she laid on her back. Puffing huge breaths she raised her hands in surrender, but it was to late for that. Effortlessly, I thrusted my fist forward and hit her nose dead on. The parking lot was so empty the echo of broken bone ricocheted off the hospital. Since this was the back lot no one really came out here, so I was about to give her the beating of a lifetime. Blair howled in pain but no one came to her rescue, I thought for sure Brandon's ass would've come out to play hero by now.

"Square up bitch!" I jabbed my elbow, hitting just below her cheek bone. Releasing my anger never felt so great. Times like this brought me back to my reckless days, to when I just didn't give a fuck. Never have I been a problem child but I did have my moments way back when.

"So predictable!" She took the hit like a champ, then rolled us over and smacked the absolute shit out of me. I hissed in pain but gripped both her hands before she had the chance to hit me again.

"Not really! But since we're here, what self respecting woman ruins another's marriage? You became the poster child for bitches we use to talk shit about!" I leaned up and collided our heads together, by now her face was busted. Shit, I even had a few cuts.

'Where is Stephen?' He was always in the back of my mind. My subconscious wouldn't allow it be any other way.

"It's not ruining if your "husband" loved me to begin with!" Catching me off guard with her confession, Blair managed to snatch a hand free. Quickly she socked me good, I knew for sure I was gonna have a black eye. "I mean c'mon it was so obvious! I tired at every turn to get him to take the ring back! Tried to get you to see that he wasn't worth your time! In all reality I was trying to save yo pathetic ass from embarrassing yourself!" She chuckled bringing a hand down to move a piece of hair from my face. Hearing her laugh lit a fire under my ass and I hauled off and sent a mean right hook, then another. Viciously yanking her head back I got up and started walking, never letting go of her. 

I was about to snatch more than this hoe's edges.

Dragging her along the pavement, being sure to hit every little pebble, she had the audacity to  continue to speaking. "I mean how stupid can you be? Brandon never wanted to be around you! All those trips he took, extra overtime! All of that was to get away from you to be with me!" She cackled in between, sending me closer to the edge. Did this girl not realize I was holding her life in my hands? "He only wanted you for your money!" I stopped. "And best believe we're gonna get it all! Stupid bitch, should've signed the prenup Mr. Vincent suggested! But you wanna know the best part about this whole thing... There's absolutely nothing you can do about it! All these years I had to suck up to you, listen to everything you had to say like I gave a damn. You have no idea how whiny you can get with your 'Money this, can't have a baby that.' No wonder no man would ever stay with you! It must be so sad to be you Kayla, that's why I'll give you this." Her sinister laugh ringing in my ears. "I won't even press charges for the harm you're causing. I already won!" Tears rushed down my face as I reached the curb. Almost to quick I leaned down and connected my fist to her face, and just like that she was out cold. Shaking, I ran a hand through my hair and sat next to Blair's unconscious body. Dumb broad should've kept her mouth shut. I may be small but I put in work, she knew she was fucked from the beginning.

Two million different thoughts flew around in my head, so many that it was becoming over baring.

My best friend had been fucking my boyfriend turned husband, and they had a kid.

Daphne and Blair are toxic.

Where the hell did Elena fit into this?

Why is this my tragic life?

All this was for money?

Used me for money?

Brandon O'Connal used me for fucking money! And to think I loved this man, but he was nothing but a bum. I should've listened to my mama, I should've listened to my mama.

I was a mess, a hot angry mess while I wiped my bloody knuckles on my shirt. All those years, all that time I wasted. How did I not see the signs? I should've known when I called Blair all those times to confide in her, she was always to quick to jump to Brandon's defense. Or all those trips to Florida he took without me, using his extra vacation time. The stolen glances at the wedding. Blair always side eying me, only to find out that she was in love with him. He loves her! How did I not see any of this? Was I really that blind? My life seemed to be this big web of tangled lies that had me feeling like I really was a stupid bitch!

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks before I stood and dusted myself off. I had half a mind to drag her ass inside so she could receive medical attention but my inner bitch was fed up with doing the right thing. Walking back inside I was met with a worried Klay and Sara to which I didn't even bother to ask what was wrong.

"Where is Stephen?" I questioned, my hand twitching in the process. I needed to calm down, I needed Stephen. Sara pointed through the glass of the hospital windows and sure enough there he was. Being carried away in handcuffs.

'Fuck! When will we ever catch a break!' I thought as I grabbed my bag and hauled ass to my car.


So what do you think of the new chapter? Kayla finally confronted Blair and beat that ass! I enjoyed writing this chapter so much and I hope you guys liked it. Or like, it lived up to your standards. Daphne is still in the hospital and now no one is there to see the baby once it's born. Blair is knocked out just beyond the hospital doors. Brandon and Stephen are on their way to jail and poor Klay and Sara are just left alone.

How would you have handled this situation if it happened to you? Do you think it was right of Kayla to leave Blair out there? Let me know!!

Any who as you all know this story is coming to an end soon and I will be starting another. I love writing about Stephen and Harry so most likely it will involve one of them.. Or both :) Be on the lookout for something exciting on Valentines Day!! P.S. Thanks for all the reads, comments, and votes! I can't believe how far we've come and how lovely y'all have been. I can't thank you enough!

All the love

Kails! :)

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