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Kayla POV

Stepping off the plane I was met with George and Monica Vincent almost immediately. They didn't even give me a second to breath before they started throwing questions in my direction. I left a voicemail explaining the nature of my visit and turned my phone off when the plane took off. I should've known that wasn't gonna fly. The car ride was silent, almost to silent. I felt like I was in middle school back when I was being pick up for choking Casey Handler. My dad's knuckles were white and my mother was fiddling with her fingers, I sighed.

Here we go..

The following morning floridian air whipped around my parents kitchen while I finished up breakfast. "So let me get this straight. Brandon and Blair are an item, and have been for a while?" My father corrected his posture from the leaning position he once held. I woke up at five this morning hearing his voice rumble throughout the house. He had a bit of a temper, I guess that's where I get it from.

"They were together long before Brandon and I. I'm talking before my wedding. Before Brandon and I started dating Daddy." I ran a hand down my face.

"So why did he marry you? Why even get involved?" Dad asked, his voice booming. My mother stood just across from us just listening. She often did when my dad got upset. She wasn't much for confrontation, she just observed mostly letting my father handle things. But don't let her fool you, she can be a force to be reckoned with when needed.

"Money! Blair confessed to me that she and Brandon only wanted the money. Claims that once Brandon signs the divorce papers he'll get everything. All the money I've earned and then some cause he didn't sign a prenup!" Picking up a slice of toast I took a bite, letting the buttery bread melt in my mouth.

"Like fuck he will! He can't collect shit! That punk ass bitch cheated on you! And with your best friend of all the people! There is no way in hell that low life is getting a single fucking cent from you, or this family! UNDERSTOOD??" I nodded vigorously. My dad was volatile, but I could see the wheels turning in his head. Not only was he gonna win this case I could tell he had something else in mind for Brandon and Blair.

"So how does Daphne fit into this mess?" My mother finally contributing to the conversation. Her brown hair catching the morning light as she walked over to where my father was standing.

"She wants Stephen, but slipped up and slept with Brandon. They now have a new born child that popped out just a few short days ago." I spat, just thinking about her pissed me off all over again.

"What do you mean she wants Stephen? Who is Stephen?" My father asked and I squinted my eyes.

"Stephen is that cute fellow Kayla brought to the charity ball babe." My mother called cheerfully from her study. Damn that woman moves fast.

"How long has-"

"That doesn't matter Daddy, I'll introduce you two when this is over I promise. You'll love him. Now, what am I gonna do about Brandon?"

"Ill handle him.." He cracked his knuckles and marched off to his office, slamming the door behind him.


Three days later I found myself on a plane back home and I couldn't be happier. The days previous had been tiresome and intense. My father went all war path and started digging up things from Brandon's past, and I was shocked. Judging from what we found, I hardly knew Brandon at all. He had everything from petty theft to domestic violence charges lined up. He'd been locked up so many times that I lost count. Uncovering all that made me feel uneasy, I was living with a criminal. Young and in love with the idea of love. I had a lot of time to think on the plane, and how I stupid I was back then. How I never listened to anything my mother told me, how she had bad feelings about Brandon but ignored her. And even now as she was completely right about him, she still didn't rub my nose in it. My mother, always so poised.

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