T w e n t y T w o

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K a y l a

A gentle tropical breeze blew when I stepped out of the doors of baggage claim. Rubbing my eyes I blinked a few times to really take in the scenery. The warm weather didn't really take me by surprise but, the crystal clear sky and amazing horizon took my breath away. Stephen told me we were going to a waterpark, not Hawaii. Leis were placed around my neck and we were greeted by the most beautiful caramel skin women. Deep brown hair blew in the wind with grass skirts going in the same direction.

"Aloha" A deep voice greeted me, reaching out for my hand then placing a small kiss to the backside. A little blush creeped on my cheeks when the Hawaiian man smiled down at me. Just as I was about to respond two strong arms linked around my waist, enclosing and pulling me back. That familiar forrest smell invading my senses.

"Ready?" Stephen asked lifting my shirt and rubbing the skin of my tummy. Butterflies swarmed at the simple sign of affection.

"Yeah.." I bit my lip when his scruff skimmed just above my collar bone. Stephen guided me to the car he rented us and I got in, adjusting my seat belt and sitting back. Once he got in I rolled down the window and let the mess I call hair out its pony tail. The Hawaiian air tossed my curls in different directions as we sped down the road.

"So are you surprised?" Stephen asked eyeing the road with one hand clasped around my left thigh. No doubt it was hard to concentrate with his hands so close to the place I wanted him most, but I maintained my composure.

"Beyond, this is incredible Stephen!" I gushed and placed my hand on his. "It's so beautiful here. I can't believe this is my first time here!"

"I know, me either! But I'm extra happy that we get to create memories together. I'm gonna give you the best time of your life baby girl." he spoke sweetly.

Stephen smiled, causing me to do the same. We pulled into a large parking lot filled with cars. Looking further I saw millions of families with kids of all ages. Stephen parked the car and I jumped out, rushing to get my bags. Laughing, Steph took everything from me and hoisted them over his shoulder motioning for me to follow him.


"What do you wanna do first?" I heard Stephen ask. To my disappointment we had our own rooms in this gigantic suite. I get that he was trying to win my trust back but he could do it from the same bed...

"Um, I don't really know. I've never been to a water park so I'm up for anything!" I yelled back while tossing my hair into a bun. Fixing my bikini I opened the door to find this greek God of a man leaning against the wall. His high yellow chest, taut and sculpted in all the right ways.

Good Lord this man is trying to kill me.

"Eyes up here boo.." He lifted my chin then moved his hand to caress my cheek. Without hesitation I leaned into his touch and wrapped my hands around his wrist.

"Let's go.." Stephen opened the door and we raced down the hall way. I felt so accomplished when I reached the elevator first, but the feeling was easily erased when I noticed Stephen only lost cause he was watching my ass jiggle with each step I took.

"You're such a perv!" I hit his chest playfully and he smirked, pulling me close to him as the metal doors closed. My breathing slowed when my bare stomach touched his toned chest. My eyes flickered to his lips, and lord knows I wanted nothing more than to taste'em.

"Uhh, sorry." Stephen took a step back and released me from his hold. I nodded and shrugged it off, even though I didn't mind it at all. The doors opened and we walked through the lobby and out the door. The sun hit my skin and loud shouts of joy hit my ears. Stephen and I walked side by side until I had to hit the ladies room. After that was done I found him seated, toying with his phone, a look of distress on his face.

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