T h i r t y

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K a y l a POV

Twirling my thumbs I waited for the officers to release Stephen. I didn't know who the fuck was coming to get Brandon and I didn't give a damn. My knuckles were swollen and I was tired. Never in my life have I been this physically and emotionally exhausted. Several folks sat around me waiting for whoever it was they were bailing out. A woman that looked to be about 70 sat with her knitting needles, totally focused on the scarf she was making. I guess she'd been here a few times cause everyone seemed to know her by name. On the other side of the room a little boy sat with his father, I could only imagine who they were here to pick up.

"You're free to go Mr. Curry.." Lifting my head I met Stephen's intense gaze as he strolled towards me with a sly smirk. My stomach clenched and I bit my lip, even in the middle of a police station the man had me swooning over him. Gripping his hand, I tugged him out the door and to the car. Once inside it was quite, but not awkward. Stephen's head rested on the window while his right hand lingered on my thigh.

"Had I'd known you'd be this much trouble, I would've kept my distance Wardell." I teased, keeping my eyes focused on the road. I heard him chuckle shifting over so he was a bit closer to me.

"Doubt it.." He seductively spoke, squeezing my legging clad thigh.

"Oh really?" My voice raising a bit as I tried to control my hormones.

"Mhm, I have you hooked little miss Vincent." He mumbled leaning over the console and kissing my neck. Not expecting his little sneak attack, my foot pressed down on the accelerator completely running a red light. "Easy baby girl.." He whispered as he toyed with the waistband of the pants I had on, slipping a hand between my thighs and cupping my pussy gently. Struggling, I opted to pull off the road before I killed us both. Stephen continued to kiss up and down my neck pausing when he reached my sweet spot. My toes curled when he nibbled there. "Steph-"

"Come over here.." I nodded and flew over, straddling him. Placing my hands on his chest I kissed him hard, arching my back so I could lean into him a bit more. Stephen put his hands on my waist, sliding under the fabric of my shirt so he could feel the skin. I rolled my hips creating a sweet friction that both of us were craving. Groaning, Stephen tore through my thin leggings and glided two fingers inside me. I whined and dropped my head to his shoulder, knowing it wouldn't be long before I reached my high.

At a quick pace Stephen moved in and out while I was shaking. Wrapping an arm around my back he moved his thumb to rub small circles on my clit and I shut my eyes. Almost instantly Stephen's lips were connected to my neck sucking and biting, only adding to what I was feeling.

"Let go baby.." And as if on cue I was a moaning mess, nails digging into the skin on his arms and neck. Shouting his name to the heaves above. I was tired before but now I felt like I couldn't move. Leaning against Stephen I tried to lift myself up but nothing was happening. I gave up and he laughed, shifting me to the passenger seat.

"Let's get you home." I nodded, closing my eyes desperate for sleep.


The next morning I was in my bed wrapped up in my Stephen's arms as the sun beamed through the windows. Turning, I faced the man I loved and kissed his nose. It was nice to see him relaxed, shit these past couple months have been anything but relaxing— with the exception of Hawaii.

Getting up, I made my way down the stairs to make breakfast for us both, we deserved it after that bullshit we endured last night. Pulling different things from the fridge I set them out and grabbed the pots and pans.

"Where is the-" I questioned pulling the whisk from the drawer. I started on the pancakes, making sure to add a few chocolate chips in the mix just to be cute. Next was the sausage and bacon which didn't take that long when I turned on a bit of music. Music makes time move faster and made cooking much more fun. My next task was the eggs which were the quickest to make. Adding a bit of cheese I swayed to the beat, nodding my head too. I was in my own little world. I plated everything I set out some orange juice and cut up a few strawberries and bananas for decoration.

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