S i x t e e n

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Friends, that's what I agreed to so why is this so hard? Since when is it this difficult being friends with a man? Stephen dribbled the ball between his legs before shooting. Counting that one, that's twelve shots he's made. Huffing I took my ball and mimicked him, but sadly it hit the rim instead.

"Oh c'mon!" I complain and I hear Stephen snicker in the background. He came closer to me and placed another ball in my hand. Him being this close made my heart thump out of control. How could he be sweating and still smell so damn good!?

"Try again friend.." I line the ball up to shot again and as soon as I got ready to release the ball he swats it out of my hand. Sprinting down the court he lays the ball up and does his little victory dance.

Stupid Stephen!

Rolling my eyes I go and sit on the bench provided by the gym. I pull my hair out of its ponytail and run my hands through it. Here I am on a Saturday morning playing basketball with Stephen when I could be doing something productive!

'Girl don't sit here and lie, you'd rather be here with him. Fuck, you'd go anywhere he asked you to!' The voice in my head confirmed.

"So buddy, did you give up already?" I cringed when he said buddy but ever since I suggested we start over as friends he kept throwing terms like 'buddy' 'pal' and 'kiddo' in my face. He was driving me nuts and I think that's his goal. Hell, I hate it so much I started regretting even saying it.


Hard drops of rain slapped against my living room window as I waited for Stephen to come over. I missed him and after our encounter at his house I wanted noting more than to have him rip my clothes off. But that wasn't the reason for his visit today. I wasn't sure how he felt towards Daphne and I figure it would be better or less painful to stay his friend while he figured it out.

Setting my tea down on the coffee table, I waited. My mind was full of different doubts and questions but I knew this was best, I couldn't let him play with my emotions anymore.

Soft knocks at the door pushed all my thoughts away and I jumped up to answer it. Pulling the door back Stephen stood, soaking wet I might add, looking just as delicious as ever. I moved to the side allowing him in my home. Shutting the door I bit my lip..

Here goes nothing.

"Hey." I start and he nods his head in my direction.

"Do you need a towel?" I asked and he shook his head no. Well okay then..

Stephen made no move to get closer to me and though I was kinda pissed about it, I knew it was best. I didn't need him getting close to me and fuckin' up my train of thought.

"What's up?" He breathed, droplets of water running down his forehead from the rain. I wanted to reach my hand out and catch them but I kept to myself.

"I wanted to talk to you.." I trailed, going to sit on the floor in front of the door.

"About what?" He asked, sliding down the wall, sitting across from me. The little puddle that formed from his wet clothes soaked into the hardwood beneath him.

"Us.." I looked to the side, his intense gaze was intimidating.

"What about us Kayla?" He snapped causing me to quirk an eyebrow. The fuck was eating at him?

"What we are, and where this." I waved between us. " Is going.."

"Where do you want it to go?" he asked folding his hands in his lap. He was eyeing me like he had this big problem with me. Like I had done the ultimate wrong, and that was far from the truth. His whole attitude since he's come in has thrown me for a loop and if he doesn't fix that shit there's gonna be a problem.

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