T e n

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K a y l a POV

I kissed him, I really kissed him. When my lips met his my whole body started to heat up, tingles shot through my body, and the heavens opened up. I felt like a teen that got her first kiss from her celebrity crush. My toes curled when he kissed me. I felt like I melted into a puddle of goo when he pulled back allowing both of us to breathe.

"That was.. I.. Damn Stephen!" I was speechless, mind racing. Had I known that kissing someone could feel like this, I'd a done it when he first appeared at my mailbox!

Stephen smiled sweetly, hands resting on either side of my hips. Looking up I noticed his lips had taken on the red shade of my lipstick. Giggling I brought my thumb up and delicately tried to wipe it off.

"Don't worry about it.." he chimed in, standing to his full height. His green eyes casted down at mine and he locked out fingers together. The smile could not be wiped from my face.


The next day next day I found myself sitting at the gym waiting for Stephen. After yesterday I convinced him to come work out with me. Though I only used it as an excuse to see him muscles bulging and sweaty. I wanted him in the worst way and all this time we've been spending together had my libido through the roof. I'd been trying to channel my sex drive on other things like dance and for the most part it was helping.. Only a little bit thought.

"And step ball change, step ball change, arm one, arm two, together three four." I pushed. Dripping sweat I had been practicing in a private studio for awhile now and my limbs were starting to feel the burn. 

The little pocket that hid my phone vibrated, tickling my tummy a bit. I pulled it out and I smiled, knowing it was Stephen.

From: Mr. Postman;)

Almost there, where should I meet you?

To: Mr. Postman;)

Studio A.. :)

The next songs came on and I huffed and started one of my old routines over again. Letting the music bounce around the wall and echo back to the center of the room I watch myself in the mirror. The beat picks up and I sway my hips slowly to 'The Way' by Kehlani, the song being an exact reflection of how I've been feeling lately..

'You so damn important

Everything you do shows me you know it

Behind it all you are the motive

Don't tell you enough, but baby I'll show it, show it

He say the king where he come from

Take a young queen just to know one

So, baby, I'm a drive it like it's stolen

I'm a fix it like it's broken

We could catch a flight out to London

Go to the mall, spend a lump sum

They could try to catch up to us

But they're too busy making assumptions'

Kehlani's voice filled the speakers and I stepped forward closer the mirror and slid my hands down my body. I snatched out my hair tie and let my hair loose, letting it flow down my shoulders. I kicked off my shoes leaving my in my socks, making it easier for the several turns I was going to attempt.

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