T w e l v e

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(p.s. I suggest you listen to 'In case' by Demi Lovato and 'Fix a heart' by her as well. You don't have to but it really goes well with the chapter!! )

K a y l a POV

'Know me? Sweetie, he use to worship me'. Her words replay in my head like a broken record. Stephen's face was blank, as he looked at Daphne. I was mad but I couldn't take it out on him, everyone has a past. I just wish his didn't involve her.

"Isn't that right Stephen?" Daphne moved to stand in front of him, successfully excluding me from their intense stare down. Glancing back and forth I started to feel like the third wheel in a scene between two long lost lovers. Stephen looked at Daphne with such adoration, a look that has yet to be shared between us. When he looked her up and down, folding his lips between his teeth my heart cracked.

As quietly as my heels would allow I made myself disappear, trying to find the nearest bathroom. My eyes were wide and I tried my hardest to suppress the need to cry. I rushed inside the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. A lone tear rolled down my cheek but I caught it, wiping it away. I needed to get a grip and fast!


Back in the ballroom people were still dancing and having a good time. My parents were being gracious host and exchanging dialogue with the mayor, I believe. They were such socialites. Weaving through the mass of people I searched left and right for that tacky gold dress Daphne was wearing and that blue suit Stephen had on but, I didn't have any luck. Now a total loner, I went and sat back down at the table and sulked. Giving up on my search. I couldn't find Stephen or Daphne anywhere. Maybe he went home?

"Kayla?" a familiar voice questioned behind me and I smiled.


"Bee!" I jumped up hugging her. I needed a friend right now.

"Where have you been? I've been trying to find you all night!" Blair exaggerated. This was honestly the first time I've seen her.

"I've been around, what about you? Where've you been?" I asked, both sitting back down.

"I just got here not to long ago with Daphne! We were suppose to be each others dates but she ditched me for some guy in a blue suit! He's so fucking cute though so I'm not even mad!" She exclaimed smoothing her hair to the side.

So he did leave.. And with Daphne clung to his side. First off, it's so fucking rude to leave without saying goodbye. Second, how in the hell did I let him escape? Third, this whole thing is a fucking mess and my heart was aching in my chest at the thought of them being together.

Could this night get any worse?

"Kayla!" I knew that voice.

Jesus, of course he's here!!

"Brandon.." I groaned and had to force myself not to gag when I saw Elena wrapped up in his arms with Doug on the other side of her. Why the hell were these three always together?

"Nice party!" He complimented. Blair visibly tensed at my side, she hated Brandon. I couldn't blame her, she saw Brandon's true colors before I did. Props to her.

"Thank you.." I had to be polite, I didn't want to show out and embarrass my family. Brandon, Elena, Stephen, or Daphne weren't worth the wrath of my parents. "Have a good evening." I got up from the table leaving Blair and everyone else behind.

Minutes later I found myself in the garden. Branches of trees were covered in little white lights and each bush had been cut into different shapes or statues. This whole outside was just another dramatic representation of how fancy this place was. Cherry wood benches were strategically placed so when you sat you could see different parts of the venue or look up at the sky. If I didn't already make the mistake of getting married, I'd of had my wedding here.

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