N i n e t e e n

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(Halsey-Haunting, give it a listen!)

-S t e p h e n-

A week.

I managed to break the heart of the woman I love one week before Christmas. Six days before Christmas Eve. The feeling I got when I thought about it killed me inside and I had no one to blame but myself. This was suppose to be different, I was suppose to be different!

"Cheer up baby!" Daphne giggled stuffing her face with sugar cookies. They had become her favorite thing, well that and m&ms, during her first month and a half of pregnancy. Daphne kicked her feet up on the table and rubbed her small bump smiling. She'd been staying with me for the time being while she looked for a decent apartment. I had no intention on being with her but I couldn't let her roam, she's carrying my kid.

"So what do you wanna do today?" She asked pale fingers tugging on my ear lobe. She had gotten extremely touchy, finding any reason to put her hands on me.

"Nothing.." I didn't want to do anything, not unless it involved Kayla. My whole body ached because of the gaping hole in my chest that use to house my heart.

"That's not fun! Me and the baby want to be entertained!" She whined pouting her bottom lip.

"Then call Blair" I stated and grabbed the remote to change the channel. I was sick of watching desperate house wives.

"Stephen!" Daphne screeched so loud my ears rang but I didn't move my eyes from the flat screen.

"Hey! I know you hear me!" I sighed and looked over. Daphne's face was red with anger. "This baby is coming weather you like it or not! I will not be treated like some fourth class citizen because your feelings are hurt! Get over her and man the fuck up! You better start treating me with respect or you will never see this kid a day in your life!" She threatened and I clenched my fist!

Who the hell is she?

"Daphne, let me clear this up for you cause somewhere along the line you must have gotten confused. You drugged me! I didn't asked for this baby! I didn't ask for you to come here and ruin the life I created for myself after you destroyed me. Ever since you dropped the nuclear bomb that completely eradicated any chance I had with Kayla I've been more than obedient to you! I attend every doctors appointment, every birthing class, and shopping trip. I help you when needed and even went so far as to give you a place to stay. So don't fucking part your lips again claiming I'm not treating you well!" My voice rasped and chest heaved. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes but I didn't give a damn, everything I said was true.

"I-I'm sorry.." She stuttered and I scoffed and stalked upstairs to my room. I didn't need this right now. I didn't need this ever! The more time I spent with Daphne, the more I regretted ever meeting her.


"What are you getting Sara for Christmas?" I asked Klay quietly. This was the first time I've seen him since the big blow out at my house. He invited me out to some nice spot in the middle of downtown.

"Man I don't know. She isn't really talking to me right now.." I squinted my eyes at him in confusion.

Why wouldn't she be?


"Cause of you!" He thumped the back of my head.

"What did I do?"

"Kayla isn't talking to you, which means Kayla isn't talking to me, which means she isn't talking to Sara. And since Kayla isn't talking to Sara, Sara isn't talking to me!" He explained.

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