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My shower was quick. I didn't want to be late, but at the rate I was going it seemed like that was my only option. At my closet and picked out something nice to wear. I didn't have much but I do have a go to wardrobe for special occasions. I ran a brush threw my wet hair hoping it would dry while in the car. Back in the bathroom mirror I smoothed my shirt and shrugged, I looked nice. Rushing down the stairs when I saw what time it was, I grabbed my keys praying this all went well.


Mangia Ristorante & Pizzeria, that's where I suggested we should meet. The small shop was pretty well known and had the best stuffed crust pizza. In the back I sat at a table looking around for my 'date'. I had been sitting here for a little over seven minutes and started feeling a bit nervous. Every time the door opened I would discretely crane my neck to see if they were coming my way. But each time I did, the person was either here to meet someone else or to pick up their pizza.

A couple months ago I had joined a dating site just to have a bit of fun, I never expected to meet a women interested in me.

"Stephen?" A soft voice called behind me and my head perked up. The unmasked person rounded the table and sat down. And there she was, a true work of art. Her normally tied up hair framed her face in curls, a little bit of makeup, and little round diamonds pierced her ears. Her misty green eyes sparkled when she looked at me, red lips rolled in a sweet smile.

"Kayla! Hey!" I sound, still admiring at her. We had developed a pretty strong 'friendship' I'd say. We would talk tons when I delivered her mail. Hell, she'd even walk with me while I delivered others. She was hilarious, intelligent, strong minded, and very out going. I've learned a lot about her and you could say that I've developed a slight crush on the married woman.

"What are you doing here?" she asked light heartedly. Should I tell here I was here looking for a women I met online?

"I uhh, I'm waiting for, I'm- waiting for my date?" I stumbled out, cursing my light skin for showing my red cheeks. I don't know why I was so embarrassed but, oh well.

"Me too! Well not a 'date' cause I'm married and all but I'd like to think of him as a friend.." She sat her hand on the table, the hand that ordinarily adorned her wedding ring. The heavily decorated diamond was no where in sight this evening. Sure she spoke briefly of her marital problems but I had no idea it was that bad. From what I could tell he's a grade A asshole but I didn't wanna pry.. It wasn't my business.


Kayla squinted her eyes, tilting her head to the side.

"I'm here meeting someone I met online.." She pulled out her phone and read the name off.

"Uhh ChefCurry30.." She trailed off and my eyes widen. Just like that the whole mood changed.

"You're kidding right?" I asked looking around the room for the hidden cameras, obviously this was one big joke.

"Nope! Why do you know him?" Kayla inquired, pulling her full lips to the side.

Kayla is the woman I bonded with??

"I'm ChefCurry30.." I lowered my eyes, I didn't want to see her leave when she realized I was the person she'd been talking to. After Daphne left me I became insecure, sheltering myself from heartache. I felt as though I wasn't good enough for anyone but I was certain I wasn't good enough for Kayla. I didn't have a lot of money or fancy things.

I was just her postman for God's sakes!

Silence took over for a few minutes, I still kept my eyes down though.

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