T h i r t e e n

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S t e p h e n

Blindsided and hazy thoughts clouded my mind as I stood in front of Daphne. She was just as pretty as I remembered but with a few new enhancements. Her ass was rounder and chest fuller. I don't know why she got work done but if it made her happy, sure why not? I'd prefer natural though.

"So how long are you here for?" I asked drumming my fingers on her waist. The gold material of her dress wrinkling under my touch.

"A few days." She answered and I sighed, I didn't want her to leave again but something about this whole thing felt off.


She caught my chin, gently pulling it down to meet her lips. They were soft and probably stained mine with lipstick. Kissing Daphne brought back memories and they were good but this was different. I didn't feel giddy when I kissed her, I didn't feel like I did all those years ago.

"Maybe if I have a good enough reason I'll stay.." Daphne said batting her eyelashes.

"You mean like move here?" I asked her. It'd be nice to have another friend in the area, but I don't know if I could handle having her around all the time. I had Kayla.

"Maybe, we'll see." She trailed off and tugged my hand pulling me back inside the building. I hadn't realized how long I was gone until I noticed half the ballroom was empty.

Damn, where'd everybody go?

"Daph!" a loud voice called, gaining both our attention.

"Blair!" Daphne giggled motioning her over to where we had been standing.

Hmm, Blair. Why does that name sound familiar??

"Blair, I'm glad you called me. I want you to meet the love of my life. This is Stephen!" She boasted and I shook my head. One the outside it seemed like nothing changed between us. But I knew things did, we weren't the same people that fell in love. I'm not the same person I was back when I was hell bent on being with Daphne. She squeezed my hand and I looked up to meet Blair's gaze. Sticking her hand out for me to shake I greeted her politely.

"So nice to meet you Stephen!" I nodded and Blair and Daphne continued to chat about whatever. Meanwhile my eyes scanned the room for Klay and Sara, I hadn't seen them since earlier. Catching the recognizable green color of Sara's dress I murmured to Daphne that I'd be right back, heading over in that direction.

"Sara!" I got her attention causing her head snapped up. An immediate look of anger crossed her face when she realized it was me.

That was new..

"You have some nerve!" She scolded and I guess Klay must have heard her, cause he came running over shortly after.

"Well well, look what the cat dragged in.." My best friend spoke lowly, barely looking me in the eye. I didn't know what the hell was going on but I didn't like it. Two of my closest friends were acting like I caught a the worlds worst disease.

"What do you mean?" I quirked and eyebrow.

"Stephen, you can't be this stupid! Daphne's only been here a few hours and you're acting like your mother raised you with no fucking manners!" Sara yelled, over the music to I might add.

What the hell is she talking about?


"Where's Kayla?"

"I'm sure she's around here somewhere!" I try but in all honesty I had no idea. After Daphne kissed me I kinda lost track of everything. My mind was jumbled and I was caught off guard. As soon as Daphne and I's kiss ended I looked for her but I assumed she was mingling with her parents..

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