T h i r t y F o u r - T h e V i s u a l

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Stephen POV

June 16, 2019.

Straightening my lavender bow tie I looked out at the crowd of people gathered in this spacious church. It was at full capacity and decorated as elegantly as possible. Casablanca lilies and white hydrangeas roped each pew, drowning the place in their scent. Decadent crystal chandlers hung like bunches of grapes from the high as hell ceilings, providing the perfect midday glow. Hundreds of smiling guest chatted amongst themselves as they waited for the ceremony to begin.

"So you ready?"

"I have no words to describe how ready I am.." Klay smiled and I pat his back. His wedding day has finally arrived and I couldn't be happier, Sara was driving all of us bat shit crazy.

"You know once you get married, you're stuck with her for the rest of your life!" I joked and he laughed.

"I couldn't ask for a better woman to be stuck with

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"I couldn't ask for a better woman to be stuck with."

"Aww!" I cooed and he slapped me on the back of the head, just like he always did when we were kids. Had Sara seen us fooling around on her wedding day, she'd kill us.

"Cool it you two! We're almost ready to start!" Sara's brother came up behind Klay and I, wagging his finger. I swear her whole family was on my last fucking nerve.

"Right.." I shrugged and clasped my hands neatly in front of me, just how Sara demanded and as if on queue the two massive double doors pealed open. The soft strums of an enormous harp bounced off the high walls and echoed around us. One by one Sara's bridesmaids strolled down the isle with their lavender dresses flowing behind them. Each one smiling ever so, with that doe like look on their faces. The photographer Sara hired was steadily clicking pictures, making sure to catch every angle of the girls. 

Twelve women later the maid-of-honor waltzed out and my breathing hitched. She was beyond stunning, more like an absolute dream. Her messy curls were tamed, waving around her face and shoulders perfectly. Her dress fit just right, accentuating her flawless figure and if you didn't know any better I'd assume she was the bride by the way she held everyones attention. She swayed effortlessly as she made her way to her spot, our eyes connecting as she did. Kayla smiled sweetly before winking, causing an uncontrollable smirk to my lips. That woman will be the death of me.

Soon everyone stood to their feet and the traditional music played for the bride's arrival. Sara strut down the isle with her eyes trained on Klay, and his on her.

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