E i g h t

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"So how's Brandon?" My father asked sweetly, dropping back the top of his car. The Florida sun beaming down on us.

"He's Brandon, but with a twist."

"A twist?"

"He's added an Elena to our marriage." And I added a Stephen. But he didn't need to know that.

"An Elena?"

"Yup, a blonde blue eyed, long legged, little bombshell, named Elena. And get this, she's living in our house.. In the guest bedroom." I giggled even going as far as slapping my knee. My dad looked over to the passenger seat like I'd lost all my mother fucking marbles.

"You're okay with this? He's disrespecting you, and you're laughing like everything is ok?" Dad's nostrils flares and he gripped the wheel tighter. He was never fond of Brandon and to drop this on him probably rose his blood pressure.

Nice one Kayla..

"Of course I'm not okay with it daddy, I just don't know what to do!" I huffed crossing my arms like a little girl.

"You know one of the best family attorneys in America sweetheart!" My dad motioned to himself, eyes wide. And it was true. My father was the best at what he did. He settled family disputes like a boss and owned his own firm by the age ripe old age of 24. Then there's my mother who's a freaking brain surgeon, the most sought after in the world. She's traveled on countless occasions to operate on people in need, and did so with the biggest smile. I remember as a child she would take me with her and allow me to watch. Hearing the squish of brain meat still haunts my dreams today.

"I know and I promise I'm gonna handle this." I spoke sternly. That asshole won't know what hit him.

"Good, you know if you ever need me or your mom, we're just a private jet away." Tilting my head back I let out a good laugh. Leave it to my dad to have me cackling like a hyena. He chuckled as well and pulled off the expressway to exit. The large sign that welcomed us to South Beach passed and I hummed. I needed this day out. Small shops and tan people in short shorts whizzed by on bikes, heading to the water.

"You hungry muffin?" I smirked cause I know my dad. He wanted Avalon's just as bad as I did. That's half the reason I agreed to drive out here.

"Well dear father, if you're implying what I think you are.. Then you already know my answer."

"That's my girl!" He parked the car and we jumped out. I was positive we looked like maniacs running full speed to the entrance. Out of breath dad asked the hostess "How long is the wait for two?"


Around midday my father and I found ourselves perched on the beach soaking up the sun. Unlike Georgia, here I enjoyed the heat. Only cause we are by the water and the humidity wasn't smothering us.

"Mom, Blair, and her friend are here." I hear dad say and I groan.

"Gee baby girl don't get to excited!" he tossed a hand through his grey hair.


"I'm assuming, you must not like miss Daphne then?"

"Mind reader are you?" I scrunch my nose turning over to lay on my stomach.

"Nope, I just know my daughter." Smiling I close my eyes when I hear the sound of Blair's voice, and sure enough Daphne wasn't far behind. Shortly after I heard them I saw them and I rolled my eyes. Not only was Daphne's swim suit the same color as me, it was missing some key fabric. This girl came dressed to a family outing in a string bikini, literally string.

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