T h r e e

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"I heard giggling the background." I whined to my best friend who was well over 6 hours away. I didn't want to bother my mother with my Brandon problems so Blair was the next best thing.


"Yeah giggling." I pressed the phone closer to my ear while I searched for the keys to my car. Digging through this hand bag proved to be difficult in the dim lighting.

"And you didn't say anything?" Blair asked and I could mentally see her placing her hands on her hips.


"Dammit Kayla!" She must be cooking dinner for little Maddie, I could hear the clash of kitchen supplies being tossed into the metal sink.

"I don't know Blair would he really cheat on me?" I questioned, my 3 inch heels clicking against the wooden floor in my office.

"I wouldn't put it past him. It's not like he's been able to commit to one person before!" She shouts and I roll me eyes.

"He's changed! He isn't the same guy we meet all those years ago. Maybe he's just stressed or something." I defended him because that's what a good wife would do. But am I really a good wife??

"Kayla, are you serious?" I sighed and glanced out the window, car keys in hand.

"Look I don't know, all I can do is hope."

"Yeah, I gotta go boo. Maddie is hungry and so is Jason. I'll talk to you tomorrow?" She asked and I half smiled.

"Mmk, I'll talk to you later." And with that I hung up. Gathering my purse I turned off the light and walked out the door. Ever since my conversation with Brandon I've been feeling uneasy about our marriage. Infidelity hadn't been a problem with us before so I wasn't sure how to handle it.

On the drive home I passed tall trees and neatly cut grass. Gated homes that seem to hold so many secrets. In this neighborhood you never really knew the people who lived next to you, they were all so closed in. So, to themselves. The only reason I knew Mrs. Watermen was because she was the only one who bothered to get to know me, well Brandon and I. She greeted us with cookies when we first moved in.

Pulling into the driveway of my home I groaned, it was well pass 3pm and I missed Stephen. Before I went in the house I got the mail and trudged up to the front door. At my feet was a brown box with a little note attached to it. Thinking nothing of it I picked it up and went inside. Kicking off my heels I set everything down and retreated to the kitchen. My feet hurt and the bottle of Luźon Verde was calling my name. My hands reached for a wine glass but quickly decided against it. I popped the cork and drank straight from the bottle.

"He wouldn't cheat on me." I said aloud and it echoed off the walls, silence soon filled the space. The big house was no fun, I never wanted it anyways. Though I grew up very privileged because of my parents but I never wanted fancy things.

Materialistic? No that wasn't me.

Taking another sip from the bottle I took the stairs two at a time to the second floor. Passing photo after photo I aimed for my bedroom but got side tracked by Brandon and I's wedding picture. It was huge, and framed in the middle of the hallway. It showed me smiling up at him while he looked over my head. What was he looking at?

I forced my feet forward or I would stand there and contemplate who he could have been looking at and why hadn't I noticed this before. The big white double doors to our share bedroom creaked when I opened them, inside the room sat our king sized bed. My tired legs slugged across the plush grey carpet until I reached my side. Setting the half empty bottle of wine down on the night stand I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. Why am I stressing over all this? He's not cheating on me. For all I know he could've been at a bar and some girl was laughing in the distance.

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