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S t e p h e n POV

New Message from Alyak03 Today 11:59 am

I'm okay Stephen. I miss you too. I'm in Florida with my family. No need to worry :)

A sigh of great relief left my lips when she responded to my message.

She was okay!

Not seeing her put me on high alert and my nerves were all over the place. I immediately thought the worst, that her body was laying in a ditch somewhere. Unable to call for help. Just thinking about that made me uneasy.

In our short amount of time I've come to care for her deeply, even if she's just my friend.

"Are you gonna stop smiling at your phone?" Klay's voice caught my gaze but I didn't pull me from my phone. I responded to Kayla instead.

To Alyak03 Today 12:00 pm

We don't need this website anymore, so here's my number 770-375-8233. Feel free to use it.. If you want to..

Sending the message I put the phone away and returned my attention to Klay and our game of golf.

"So by that goofy grin on your lips, I'm assuming she responded??" He pried hitting his golf ball with his iron club.

"Yeah.." I bit my lip trying hard to hide the excitement spewing from my body.

"Good, I was getting tired of hearing you moan about her!!"

"Shut up Klay! When you and Sara started dating, I never head the end of it!" I chuckled and lined my club up for the next swing. Since it was Sunday and I didn't have to work, I thought I'd spend the day catching up with Klay and hittin' a few balls on the green.

"Well yeah, but still you were a mess! And you haven't even kissed the girl!" He pointed out and I shook my head.

"Yea well, she's still good friend! I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her!" I try but he wasn't buying it.

"Wardell do you know who you're talking to? I'm your best friend, I know you have stronger feelings for her even if you don't know it yourself."

Huffing I hit my ball and it flew over the hills and valleys of the corse. Water rippled in the distance as the wind blew, cooling my skin.

"Klay, Kayla is just a friend and plus she's..." I stopped myself, I haven't told him that Kayla's married. I wasn't hiding it but I know he wouldn't exactly approve.

"She's what?"

"Nothing, she's just a friend. That's all.." I moved to pick up my things, placing them back in the club car we rented for the day.

"Fine!" He gave in and followed behind. I got in the drivers side and waited for Klay to situate himself in the passenger before pulling off. Hitting the gas I sped off the the next hole.


Around 7pm Klay and I got tired of playing and said our goodbyes. In my town home I sat with twizzlers in hand flicking through the channels on my television. Sunday never brought on good tv to me.

Tearing a strand of the red candy with my teeth my phone buzzed but I paid it no mind, it was probably just an email. Looking down I noticed the drawstring of my basketball shorts had been sticking out which bothered me, I quickly tucked it in when my phone rang.

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