4 → selcouth

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unfamiliar, rare, strange, yet marvellous and wondrous.

Another group session ended just as fast as the day did, transforming Friday into a bright warm Saturday that rarely ever happened in England. Most people in Tape taking that as an advantage to participate in various outdoor activities.

My third visit to group session was far from amusing. Miss Siddle switched the session, as she usually does, to small partnerships. Then after session everyone quickly scattered out of the large cabin in a hurry, including myself.

Ever since the fun Thursday I experienced with Niall, I've been wanting to participate in numerous activities. Niall offered to tag along and we ended up canoeing and doing art again. But instead of participating in ceramics Niall and I just finger painted for an hour whilst continuing to get to know each other more.

After three entire hours worth of activities Niall and I decided to take a visit the canteen only because he was famished. Resulting to him demolishing three slices of pepperoni pizza and two cups of soda. I just managed to drink bottled water for hydration.

I was pretty hungry though. But the amount of calories in all the food surrounding me decreased my hunger by a lot-- and the water absorbed most of it.

After Niall ate, him and myself and agreed to go back to our cabin and call it a night—Night hours easily shifting into morning sun.

Saturday morning sun.

Another free day worth of unlimited activities to participate in around the Tape. The thought practically woke me up instead of the routined glare that shines from my side of the window.

I stretched out my arms, then getting out of bed to head over to the bathroom for a rapid shower I'd planned.

Niall was awake once I finished. Greeting me with a bright broad smile, "Morning Harry."

"Morning Niall."

He stretched before getting out of bed only to sit on the edge of it, rubbing at his eyes with the balls of his fists. Then turning to face me as I blinked in return.

"So where we going today, Harry?"

"Um," I hesitated. "How does hiking sound to you?"

"Sounds alright to me," he smiled before hoisting himself up from the edge of his bed towards the bathroom.

It didn't take Niall long to get ready for our upcoming hike. He exited from the door in elastic waist shorts, a white T-shirt, and trainers. Definitely looking dressed for the hike day.

I watched him smile at me. Asking if I was ready to leave, I nodded in reply.

And as usual, Niall led the way out of our cabin and towards our first activity for Saturday.

The hiking path was longer than expected, but it was also quite comfortable. During the first few steps Niall had already chatted up a conversation to avoid silence. I mentally thanked him for that.

Then we encountered the fatal discomforted silence, Niall then suggesting we play twenty questions to keep the both of us occupied. We had already asked four questions without an awkward pause. 

"How many siblings do you have?" Niall continued to question.

"Two, you?" I reciprocated the question back to the taller blond walking beside me.

"Same," Niall replied, "An older brother and a younger sister." He added, I hummed as I took the set of information.

"I just have two older sisters," I added. "Gemma and Gabriella."

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