12 → galére

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a group of undesirable people.

Later that Sunday, Niall and I still went to see a film. It wasn't as amusing as The Lion King but with the company of Liam and Louis, being in the film cabin was pretty fun.

Louis either having a funny or insolent comment with humour behind it to say. Niall laughing and joking around with Louis and myself and Liam quietly observing while sometimes sharing a laugh with them too.

That lasted until the film ended and the four of us parted ways to our cabins for the rest of the evening.

Silence consumed us once we reached cabin nine. I washed for the night and changed into pyjamas after. Niall mocking my same movements once I exited out of the bathroom. It wasn't long until the two of us fell into slumber after another day here at Tape.

Group session was the only reason why I awoke so early. That and Niall usually wakes up around this time for an early breakfast before session.

I slipped on joggers right before lacing up my dirty converse for the day. Niall waiting patiently for me near the cabin door for our daily canteen visit.

He queued for whatever he was craving to eat whilst I sat at an empty table, waiting for him with no food at all. Not that I wanted anything to eat. The thought of ingesting a large portion of food or food at all makes me sick, literally.

I was thankful when Niall returned with a bland cuppa for me along with his breakfast plate. Watching him devour everything on his plate within a reasonable amount of time for us to make it to group session.

We left almost immediately, the both of us exiting the canteen to the habitual path towards the group cabin.

"I'm so tired," Niall grumbled from beside me.

We'd just started on our walk, the silence between us was beginning to be too much for Niall.

"Aren't we all?" I remarked. A low chuckle sounding from him responsively


As normal, Niall and I arrived to group session a bit early. He sat in his seat towards the front of the room as I went to my own spot in the back. Waving a greeting to Bean and Courtney on the way there.

The mass entrance of the others gave away that 10.00 was present, yet again, for the customary Monday. Not too far behind Miss Siddle entered the room to start off our session.

"Good Morning everyone," she began her traditional welcome, earning accustomed mumbles and murmurs of a mocked greeting in return.

I, however, remained silent, as usual.

Miss Siddle continued, "We're going to play a game today as a group called Toss an Enquiry."

That received some groans and some cheers from various students, mostly Bean, around the circular table. Louis held the most melodramatic grumble of them all.

"Here's a ball," Miss Siddle announced as she held a small round ball to show all of us.

"You're all going to get a chance to either toss or catch the ball," she described. "When you do receive the ball, you're suppose to toss it to whomever desired and ask them a question. The goal of the game communication."

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