9 → aspectabund

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being able to let expressive emotion show easily through ones face and eyes.

On Wednesday I wasn't surprised when Niall awoke me for our usual morning canteen visit.
I wasn't appalled when I had complied to go along with him.

The both of us sat in the nearly empty hall. I drinking my routined tea and Niall eating a plate worth of breakfast food until it was time to go to group session.

There were people already seated once Niall and I arrived. Bean, whom's always usually early and a handful of other early birds from Miles to Courtney and some others I don't exactly talk to.

I smiled a small smile towards Bean and Courtney before I headed to the back of the room to my permanent seat whilst Niall sat in his towards the front of the circular table, sharing small talk with Miles.

Soon after, others began to pile into the session cabin, signalling 10.00 has come upon us yet again. Not too far behind Miss Siddle entered our group session right after the arrival of everyone else, taking her usual position at the front of the room.

She hadn't yet to speak when most eyes already landed on her dainty figure, giving her their full attention.

"Good morning everyone," she finally greeted, receiving a few murmurs of a mocked welcome. I, however, remained quiet, though I still stared ahead at my grey eyed counsellor.

"We're doing groupings of four today," Miss Siddle informed. She couldn't finish off her instructions due to the dramatic groans filling up the cabin's atmosphere.

But she, however ignored the complaints and varied grumbles and continued on.

"I'm letting you all choose your groups. At least be happy about that," she insisted.

No one within the cabin looked the slightest happy, excluding Bean after her exhort. Miss Siddle shrugged off the grimaced faces and continued speaking.

"What I expect from your group is at the least communication," she stated. "But however, what I deeply want from you all is to talk about your life before you came here to Tape."

Miss Siddle's desire shifted to fatal once those words left the home of her mouth. Life before Tape isn't a topic I'd like to discuss. Especially in the presence of others.

A nudge to the right of my shoulder adjourned me from my indecisive thoughts. I turned my head to see a grinning Louis. His broad smile totalling he elbowed me deliberately.

"Ouch," I acknowledged, rubbing the roof of my shoulder to amend the minor pain.

Louis rolled his eyes. "I want you to be in my group," he announced.

"Okay," I murmured.

"Good," Louis smiled. "We then can have Li and Niall in our group and that makes four."

I nodded along to his decision quietly as Miss Siddle's talking ended Louis and I's brief conversation.

"You all can start grouping yourselves now."

And that's what we did.

It didn't take any convincing for Niall and Liam to place themselves alongside Louis and I to form a group of four. That happened to be the easiest task of our group so far; the hardest figuring who's going to volunteer to speak first.

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