28 → kakorrhaphiophobia

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the fear of failure.

It was another group session day and here I sat in my group of four assigned by Miss Siddle. I was okay it really, since I knew the other three sitting near me; Liam, Bean, and Niall.

Bean and Liam chose to sit across from me, letting Niall sit beside me with his fingertips dancing along the palm of my hand in contentment. It was a relaxing feeling really.

His hand in the middle of soft and rough happened to arise tranquility from within. And as usual I melted into his touch, trying my hardest not to show it since we were in the open but Niall didn't care.

He placed his free arm around my waist to rub circles into the clothed skin. The feeling all too relaxing yet I managed to focus in on what Liam and Bean were discussing.

"Yeah, he's a little sick," was all I heard Liam murmur, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Bad cough but Louis is fine."

"What's wrong with Louis?" I manage to ask, letting my curiosity get the best of me.

Liam gives me a small smile before answering, "Taken ill since our swim the other day."

"Is he okay?" I question, Liam shrugs.

"He's doing alright; bad cough that's all," he assures.

I nod simultaneously with Niall and Bean.

That explained why Louis wasn't here at group seated next to me before Miss Siddle placed us in our groups today as she does every time we were in need to report to the group session cabin. 

"Hope he betters," Niall wishes, Bean repeating along the same words as Niall's a little after.

Liam waves the three of us off. "He will," he promises.


The following day, Tuesday, Niall and I came to a mutual agreement to visit an ill Louis.

It was dusking close to another evening whilst myself and Niall were trudging from the crafts cabin to cabin five; the home of Liam and Louis.

We agreed it to be a brief visit just to check on Louis's current condition, show a little consideration as his mates. And also we were a bit concerned on his well being.

The instant sight of him caused my concernment to increase highly-- Louis's skin was milkier than Niall's, cheeks a peculiar red, and his cough more severe than an average.

I still managed to beam at the ill figure named Louis, ignoring his unwell condition. I wanted to speak, find the correct words as a polite greeting to Louis, but before I could Niall had (as usual) beaten me to the punch.

"Louis! Looking more beautiful than ever. It's the attractive cough maybe," Niall nearly shouts more cheekier and wittier than his habitual demeanour.

"Oi, Niall!" Louis coughs severely. "Get him out of here, Harry."

Niall huffs. Crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine, you look horrid then," he declares.

Louis rolls his eyes whilst flipping Niall off simultaneously as Niall breathes out a loud laugh in response.

The two of them then carrying on with such profanities along with witty banters until it was deemed to make a departure after a brief hour.

Niall and I waved our goodbyes to both Liam and Louis before leaving through the front door of cabin five.

We begin walking in until Niall abruptly stops. Grasping a hold of my hand to lead me into another direction away from cabin nine.

"Where are we going?" I question.

Niall hums, not at all releasing nor loosening the grip he has on my hand.

"The bolder," he answers. "We're going to the bolder."

"What's the at the bolder?"


Niall eventually slowed down his pace once we arrived at the familiar destination. He helped me climb the height of the bolder, placing his hand on my lower back as a form of help until I was properly sat on the sedimentary material. Niall then helped himself up flawlessly before laying his head on my left leg.

It was an automatic reaction to let my fingers run aimlessly through the quiff of his hair. My fingers unintentionally untangling the unnoticeable knots in a comforting manner.

I heard him sigh contently, turning around to stare into my eyes. I did the same, the electrifying blue instantly capturing all of my attention.

"I'm scared babe," I hear Niall softly murmur in admittance.

"Of what, Niall?"

"Failing you," he answers promptly. His voice still sounding as a mumble since his face's buried into my leg.

"Niall," I nearly coo at his doubts. "You're not going to fail me," I assure him, already aware he was speaking about the current promise we had agreed on with each other.

"I am, I know it," he confidently states.

"You're not going to fail," I reassure. "You're flawless Niall, I promise," I tell him honestly because I meant it in all honesty.

Niall's perfect even if he couldn't see it from his perspective, I did and that was enough.

Niall went to protest, attempting to fight with my accurate statement but I wouldn't allow it. I cut him off with a lingering kiss.

It wasn't in his expectations, yet he still melted and moulded into our kiss. Caressing my cheek with his hand in unison.

I pull away first to place a kiss on his forehead. "You won't fail me as I won't fail you and we have nothing to worry about," I promise.

A.N: A brief chapter, sorry. I also didn't know how to end it. Sorry for that too haha.

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