10 → dysania

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finding it extremely hard to get out of bed in the morning.

Saturday appeared faster than expected, similar to the other days that stayed briefly before disappearing. The forty eight hours that elapsed before Saturday morning surfaced.

Those two days consisting of nothing but multiple activities chosen by Niall. Choices of activities that can wear out someone like me.

Thursday especially.

Niall and I found our way back to the canoeing activity. We were most likely paddling for what felt like endless hours, a new record, until Niall deemed another activity.

That happened to be what felt like sempiternal hours of us participating in pottery. We both partnered up to create a bowl made out of moulding clay.

We went through more than a handful of activities. I beginning to feel more and more fatigued after each one whilst Niall felt the total opposite.

His high energy overpowering my exhaustion until it was time to head back to cabin nine. I was only thankful for that decision made by him that day.

Once the both of us entered our shared cabin that Thursday night, it didn't take a minute longer for me to pass out onto my plush mattress.

Friday came quicker than needed. The bright glare from the window on my side doing its usual job to awake me.

I wanted more than anything to stay locked away in my cabin all day but that sounded like the impossible. Having a scheduled group session every Friday and an overly active roommate can put a damper on morning fervors.

I ended up going to group session though I didn't have much of a choice. I spent two hours sitting in my permanent seat towards the back, listening to people converse as a whole group whilst I remained quiet.

Sometimes sharing briefly undertone conversations with Louis in between the time.

I thought that after group session ended, I would go back to my cabin to rest. It never happened.

Instead, I went along with Louis and Niall to the canteen and another round of already experienced Tape activities. Though I did end up enjoying all of them due to an entertaining Louis.

Throughout all of the afternoon and some hours of the evening were made up of Louis' witty banters and high spirits.

It blended well with Niall's habitual overfilled energy. The both of them cackling loudly without a care in the world shifted a horrible and unwanted Friday into an enjoyable day, though it felt sort of empty without Liam.

He's always with Louis, at least every time I see Liam he is. Friday's events ended once Louis suggested row boating again, making Niall grimace from the last experience and finalise the days over and I couldn't have agreed more.

We both said our goodbyes to Louis and headed back to cabin nine.

I fell into slumber before Niall and I had awoke before him the next day, Saturday.

The dull light from my window awakening me earlier than normally. As silently as I could, I removed myself from the soft duvet to walk over to the washroom a few paces away.

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