15 → gerful

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wild and wayward.

The next day Niall and I found ourselves right back at the bolder around the time evening transforms into night.

We'd both agreed on going to the secret place for a moment of tranquility. The both of us honestly needed it after the long day with Louis and Ed.

Both of them hold unique comportments; loud by themselves but even louder when together and it was a bit much for myself and Niall perhaps.

All four of us had agreed on hanging out for the rest of Saturday after an unplanned run-in at the canteen earlier. However, that mutual plan was both good and bad.

Louis complained during our whole walk around the Tape site of his desire to go row boating again and Niall wasn't having it. They both quarrelled until Niall gave in just so Louis would stop being so sassy to him.

That was a bad idea.

Unlike the first time Niall and I went row boating with Louis and our boat almost flipped, this time our boat actually flipped over and into the water.

That was enough for Niall to call hanging out with Louis quits for the rest of the day. Louis, Ed, and I laughed as Niall stormed out of the water more hacked than ever, at least since I've met him.

Other than the haste fall, the activity was enjoyable. Maybe because that's the closest I've been to being inside of the water.

By the time I caught up to a fuming Niall he was already halfway to our cabin. I had lightly tapped his shoulder to get his attention and his features softened once he saw the sight of me--damped just like him. He calmed down as we walked to cabin nine in a comfortable silence.

Niall headed to the bathroom first and I didn't protest, though he happens to spend an eternity in there.

I didn't want to make him more upset so I sat on the rug as I silently waited until he was finished. And waiting until Niall's finished washing feels like forever, though I shrugged off the long extent.

Eventually I did wash and remove the soaking wet outfit I was wearing like Niall.

He, for the first time, wanted to stay within our cabin and I easily complied, sitting on the rug beside where he sat.

We talked about nothings. Shifting from topic to topic that should've been labelled as random but it was just nice talking to Niall.

No discomfortable silences nor awkward tensions, it was a rather comfortable moment—relishing.

He then suggested the canteen for food. I tried to protest but Niall wasn't accepting any of my refusals, so I ended up accompanying him for lunch and eating with him too. Not a plate worth of food, but a few bites (and I do mean several bites) of a banana.

I could barely stomach the full amount and it wouldn't digest, fortunately. I ended up spewing the undigested remainder of the banana once Niall and I returned back to our cabin.

I was satisfied that Niall didn't look the slightest concerned when I returned from the bathroom.

It was almost evening and the both of us didn't do much in the day. It made Saturday a dull day. so That's why when I suggested to Niall we should go out we were both appalled by my offering.

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