5 → appetence

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A.N; My story is ranked in the top 25 of the What's Hot category for narryau. Thank you to every reader that's gotten my story there, it was all because of you and I'm honestly grateful.



an eager desire, an instinctive inclination; an attraction or a natural bond.

More days past at Tape, I felt myself begin to adapt to the routined events that happened here daily.

The day after the hike and the film, Niall and I went fishing by the lake. It was entertaining, amusing. Though we didn't catch any fish nor anything at all.

After fishing Niall and I went to the canteen, which has become a routine with us since after every activity myself and Niall seem to do, he builds up a rather noticeable hunger.

The day after was another group session. Miss Siddle didn't change the session by putting us into partnerships or small groups like she seems to do at times, she just started up a group discussion that lasted the entire two hours, thankfully.

As usual, I sat in between Dilan and Louis with my mouth closed and locked. Not uttering a  single word whilst barely wanting to breathe out.

The two hours, thankfully, travelled quickly and I convinced Niall I'm better off going to our cabin for the rest of the day due to tiredness. He wasn't exactly satisfied with my decision, but thankfully he shrugged it off.

I wasn't totally off the hook though.

That Tuesday Niall ran me around the Tape site doing repetitive activities. There were so many things we did, it felt like we participated in every activity within Tape.

It was tiresome but all the same fun. Although, we ended up canoeing and doing pottery again-- Something I thought I'd be separated from for a long time.

Clearly not.

Now today's Wednesday. Another group session. I had to awake earlier today than I have to do on activity days.

I rubbed my eyelids with the balls of my fist before heading to the bathroom for a quick and much needed shower. The hot water hit all of my limbs, my body to feel much better than it did prior. I was in need of this warmth relaxation. After what felt like enough time, I decided my duration under the water was enough.

I began to dress after drying myself with a larger flannel properly. Slipping on large grey joggers and a white shirt.

My thoughts followed me to where I sat on the foot of my bed as I leaned over to retrieve my far from white pair of converses for the day—a long Wednesday ahead of me. Or so it feels like that.

Sitting in one place for two hours with no movement at all, then going around the Tape site in search of an activity to participate in already sounds like an sempiternally exhausting day.

A loud grumble from the other side of the room caused my head to snap up in its direction. I warily watched Niall stretch both of his arms out before climbing out of his bed. He walked over to the bathroom door, but then stopped to turn around and face me.

He smiled sleepily, yawning, "Morning Harry."

"Morning Niall."

Then fully rotated his body, facing me as he loudly cleared his throat. "I'm gonna take a shower, but wait for me and we'll go to session together, alright?" his blue eyes stared into mine as he awaited clarification from me.

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