38 → eccedentesiast

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someone who hides pain behind a smile.

Niall wasn't speaking to me. He'd finally exited the bathroom a near hour later only to brush past me without even stealing a glance at me.

We went to sleep in silence.

Niall in his own bed on the left side of the room and mine in my own on the right side, but I couldn't sleep. All I was eligible todo was turn and twist through the night missing the comfort of Niall's body pressed to mine.

I missed the warmth that radiated off him and onto me. Usually lulling me into a peaceful slumber embraced tightly in Niall's arms.

His head rested peacefully on my head as we slept the night away only to awake the same way we had fallen asleep the prior night.

But tonight, I had to comfort my own self and it was horrid.

I easily and already grown use to routine coddles given by Niall everyday and every night. It felt peculiar to relive the tensional, awkward silence between myself and Niall, yet, again.

I had no other choice besides dealing with the tension. Forcing myself to dream about my blond haired boy who's highly satisfied with the handmade marks on his lower abdomen.


The following morning Niall awoke before me with dark marks under his scarlet eyes. I wanted more than anything to kiss both of his eyelids whilst reassuring Niall it'll all be alright, but I couldn't.

Well, I could, but I just couldn't grow a pair to. So I just sat on my mattress, stealing glances at Niall from the corner of my eyes making sure he couldn't see me thoroughly watching him.

Fortunately he didn't, or if he did, Niall didn't announce it. He also didn't announce his unexpected departure–leaving our cabin instantly after he'd dressed himself for the free day, me staying behind undecidedly with the feeling of slight guilt from last night.

All I wanted to do was help Niall just like he was helping me. Encouraging me to eat more than the previous day. Challenging myself daily. I just wanted him to confide in me or anyone rather than having to result to taking sharp objects to his soft skin as comfort.

I wanted to tell him that-- Hold his face between both my hands just so the information could seep through the thick skull within Niall's head.

I wanted to crack and apologise to Niall for defenestrating his metal and making him cry and the whole abruptness of last night really—we were so close to having make up sex and then it took this drastic, unexpected turn that led to the both of us not speaking, yet, again.

And now he's most likely somewhere around Tape with either Dilan, Miles, Liam, or Ed. Distracting himself from whatever's going on inwardly.

Just maybe we needed this day away from each other to escape from our head spaces and heavy tension by knock about with others. To just breathe.

So instead of remaining within cabin nine, I instantly stood from my mattress to walk towards the bathroom. Already certain whom I visiting for Saturday.


Luckily for me, Liam wasn't whom Niall chose to surround himself with for the day. I wondered if he'd intentionally chosen not to burden Liam because of me or because he actually wasn't interested in being in the presence of Liam.

Either or, Liam had greatly accepted my offer in accompanying me around the Tape area.

We sat in the canteen-- Liam seated across from me, playing with his food instead of eating it. I silently nibbled on a saltine, trying to enclose all of my thoughts consisting of Niall. It was rather difficult since I practically lived with him.

I let out a sigh, biting into my saltine as I placed it back onto its cloth. Looking up to see Liam eyeing me carefully yet suspiciously. Almost as if he was waiting for me to say something.

It was proven correct once he asked me what was wrong, probably already knowing my distant aura had some relation to Niall.

"We aren't speaking, again," I answered lowly. Already centring automatic thoughts of Niall as I waited for Liam's response.

"Is it the similar to your disagreement from yesterday?"

I shook my head, struggling to tell Liam what went on last night after I had departed from him after yesterday.

He listened to my every word intently—raising an eyebrow at the mention of myself and Niall's active sex life but choosing not to say anything, thankfully.

I felt I was rambling by running off topic to include my thoughts and opinions, but Liam just nodded along understandingly, encouraging me to ramble further.

He tutted at me. Hand playing with his bottom lip.

"Addictions are, indeed, hard, Harry," he says calmly. "It takes time to overcome an addiction. However it also takes help. More from the one with the addiction than the ones without it."

"You aren't as wrong as you think you are, but you cannot force Niall todo anything he doesn't feel comfortable doing, mate," Liam gives me a small smile. "All you can do is encourage and support him."

I nod as I return an amiable smile. Liam and I exchange a few more words before shifting the discussion more onto him. He didn't seem to like when I asked how he was doing though he nodded, murmuring he's alright with words of assurances.

"How have you been holding up since–," I cut myself off not wanting to say the name of Louis just in case it sparked discomfort with Liam as it had beforehand.

He shrugged. "Better I would say," Liam answers. "But it does get rather lonely in my cabin. I still wouldn't want anyone in cabin five other than him anyway."

I nod, choosing not to say anymore to overstep my boundaries or cause discomfort to Liam of the topic. We discuss more until the both of us agree on walking to the film cabin to see a film for the rest of noon.

It went rather nice. I hadn't seen Niall around the Tape area for the hours I remained out with Liam and the film the two of us watched together slightly relaxed me for the encounter I was soon to have with Niall once we were both back in cabin nine for the night.

Liam chose to walk me to my cabin. Edging closer to the last cabin out of the row within the second. Once we reached the entrance to cabin nine Liam pats my shoulder lightly, giving me a warm smile to in which I easily return.

"Have it easy," he says before turning away to walk towards his own cabin for the night.

I nod knowing Liam couldn't see me.

Letting out a breath, I walk towards the front door of Niall and I's cabin for the remainder of night and morning. Desiring to have it easy as Liam recently said.

A.N: Is Niall right or is Harry right? Or are the both of them wrong? Why, Why, Why.

Who do you think will speak first this time, Harry or Niall?

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