30 → rubatosis

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the unsettling awareness of your heartbeat.

Days later Louis was mandated to go to the infirmary. Liam accompanied him with no need of a suggestion at all.

The last I saw of Louis was his clammy, pale skin and the still present phlegmy cough that still sounded very severe, yet Liam and Louis insisted he'd be just fine and they'd be back at Tape in no time.

But Louis didn't look at all fine, he looked even worse. Still I nodded obligingly as the two of them made their departure.

The rest of the day was spent at the large bolder in the confinement of millions of trees near the water with Niall.

It was a rather simple day really. We ate biscuits and saltines and drank bottled waters until we grew full, watching the sky shift from colour to colour as the day dusked by. It was truly beautiful.

Being coddled by Niall in our hidden away spot in the woods couldn't have been any better, except for the constant thoughts of Louis's condition.

That was my only worry and I'm sure Niall had the reciprocal thought(s) too. Just from the occasional sighs and discrete questions every several minutes gave a patently hint Niall was in the category of worries. But who could blame him?

"What's wrong, Niall?" I sigh after he expectantly exhaled into my neck.

It was blatantly obvious what was wrong, but Niall's so adapted to having his thoughts play within his head he'd never express them verbally so I had to question him; obvious or not.

I hear him sigh again before answering, "Just worried 'bout Louis, that's all."

"He's fine," I assure, escaping from Niall's hold to face him. "He even said he's fine,

Niall sighs again but then replaced it with a beam. "I like when you call me babe," he admits with a chuckle. His face heating up in the process.

"And I like calling you babe, babe."

I couldn't help but smile back. Niall's crooked but vibrant grin nearly contagious. At least to me.

"You're beautiful," he made sure to remind me, closing the space between the both of us. Lips meeting mine for an innocent kiss.

I kiss him back compliantly. Doting the way our mouths fit and mould together flawlessly whenever we tacitly agree to lean into one another.

Niall's tongue slips into the warmth of my mouth all too easily, his tongue licking the inside of it sloppily yet perfectly.

He moves closer to wrap his arms around my waist pulling me flush against his chest. I phlegmatically enfold my arms loosely around Niall's neck, relishing the amorous yet foreign stance we were in- my legs straddled over Niall's lap, pressed extremely close to one another- an extraordinary position.

It altered into a complete snog bout.

Each of us taking repeated turns to pull apart for a quick breath. The moment was erratical- from the unpredictable manoeuvre by Niall to the unsteadying beat of my heart from this all. It was a lot to suppress, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

It was difficult to believe that me and Niall started from barely knowing one another to going through a silent phase to a now current soppy phase, and I wasn't positive if me and Niall held the same simultaneous feelings for each other. But then again I couldn't doubt him without even asking him.

All too soon for my liking Niall pulls away to rest his forehead on mine. His blue eyes staring into my own eyes with the same intensity I was starting to grow use to.

I watch Niall's lips curve into the habitual broad smile that he usually seems to wear causing me frown pathetically at him.

I wanted to continue snogging..

Niall had to be reading my exact thoughts, the wide smile he was already wearing increased as he said, "It's starting to rain. We can go back to our cabin and finish where we left off when we get there."

"But I like the rain," I protest causing him to breathe out a laugh.

"Come on, let's go princess," he commands, standing to his feet right after I rose from his lap.

I roll my eyes, still taking his hand into mine as we started on our walk back to cabin nine for the night. A night with an already exciting plan that I was suddenly looking forward to.

A.N: Thoughts on Perfect?

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