24 → ostranenie

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encouraging people to see common things as strange, wild, or unfamiliar; defamiliarising what is known in order to know it differently or more deeply.

Niall spent a lot of time focusing on my ingestion of food along with Liam. It was a bittersweet feeling.

Bitter since the surveillance from them both was practically overwhelming especially when at the canteen. I had four eyes watching over me every second of the day. Who wouldn't be overwhelmed about that?

And sweet because it felt amazing to have not one but two persons take your needs into consideration and actually care for you was an indescribable feeling.

Niall made sure to remind me every minute how beautiful I was. It made my face heat up like the colour of a tomato whilst my heart pummelled quicker than the average rate.

It felt nearly impossible to react that way over a simple compliment but I had managed to, and it's because the soppiness was originating from Niall.

My adorable blue eyed roommate that happened to kiss me daily causing my heart to flutter more than it ever had before. But who was I to complain?

I found myself complying to some of Niall's strong suggestions. Some.

If he melodramatically pleaded for me to consume a saltine I wouldn't mind agreeing, with some hesitancy, but that was alright. Though, if he begged for me to consume full meals for the entire day, it was impossible to oblige. It was impossible to accomplish that really.

The thought of eating more than saltines or small fruits roughly made me want to hurl. If I even attempted to do that I was roughly sure I'd hurl.

No, I was positive I would vomit. Yet I ignored the doubts, taking small steps to progress. A progress both Niall and I clearly wanted.

The week had passed by in the blink of an eye. The accustomed routine of activities to clear the mind and group sessions every other day was the cause of a brief week and so was Niall.

We spent everyday out instead of in accompanying Liam and Louis or Ed and Dilan and sometimes even Bean around Tape involving ourselves in varied activities. It was all entertaining. Tiresome but entertaining.

Entertaining enough to repeat the same activities the following day and the day after that, growing more tired but also having fun. Being in the presence of Niall was more entertaining than the activity itself.

He was just so full of life. Energy always at its highest which made activities more fun than they had been singly.

Crafts became more compelling than it ever was prior. The same went for hiking, various films within the film cabin, and just every activity was dull if Niall wasn't participating in it.

He had that big of an affect on practically everything including me, though his affect on me was also an influence. A mass influence.

He still is currently. Encouraging me to get out of bed so early in the morning for yet another group session; the second one so far this week. I intentionally ignore the frequent nudges to my shoulder, grumbling whilst turning over on the opposite side to face away from Niall's lingering body.

Not too long after I felt an ample amount of pressure precisely on my lower abdomen and it didn't take a smart person to know Niall was causing all of this unnecessary pressure. Nearly crushing me.

"Oi! Get off of me, Niall," I groan, attempting to push him off but he was way stronger than I could ever be.

"Not until you get up, Harry," he declares beginning to pepper my face with brisk kisses.

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