56 → monachopsis

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Warning: character death. (I apologise in advance, don't hate me. It was bound to happen soon within the plot of Tape. Sorry).

the subtle persisting sense of being out of place.

Niall was missing out on another group session for the nth time for the past weeks and when I inwardly concluded to bring up the topic, Niall shrugged me off retorting with a: "it doesn't matter anymore," before kissing me goodbye passionately before I exit our cabin without another glance.

Maybe I should've looked back.

I spent two hours discussing nothings with Liam during group session. Fortunate Miss Siddle paired the two of us together rather than me with someone else.

I felt more than comfortable with Liam's company. I was rather thankful he reciprocated the same comfort.

We spoke briefly about Louis, then Niall, shifting to the topic of leaving Tape rather soon to be said for myself.

Just one more month then I was bound to leave the friends I developed here so quickly as well as my companion, my first boyfriend, Niall.

I had this inward hope, more of a dream, that once I leave Tape Niall's father would come to pick him up also along with his brother. The two of us later rendezvousing not even weeks after the absence we missed with each other.

Then it'll all be flawless—

Niall would quit the horrid addiction he developed over the years whilst I would find more comfort in eating just about anything without thinking about putting on weight.

Louis and Liam coming together with Niall and I as Louis would cure himself from depression and Liam would progress away from drugs: we'd get to be normal adolescents for once.

But that only happened in fairy tales, not for people like Niall, myself, Louis, nor Liam. Not even the others here sitting in the group cabin along with myself.

My dreams.

"I see us still being mates," Liam says, nudging his shoulder with my own. "Maybe knocking around since you aren't that much far from my home."

I just nod with an amiable smile.

"Maybe the four of us can meet up once we're all out of here," Liam continues on. "If we're all out of here."

Yeah, if.

Then our conversation continues on with rambles until it was declared noon. The mass of us exiting from the group session cabin in mild excitement.

Myself, Liam, and Bean already on our way for lunching without the presence of Niall accompanying us. But, it's been like this for almost ever.

The three of us hadn't discussed Niall's abrupt behaviour in isolation and I honestly didn't want to talk about it. Rather discuss it with Niall than two others that didn't have control over the situation similar to myself.

We ate toasties and babbled for a near hour until Liam was first to say his goodbyes-- saying he and Dilan agreed to go for a hike before the appearance of twilit for the Wednesday and we all waved him off.

Bean and myself slowly easing into another conversation after Liam's departure.

Then after a near half hour, Bean made a sudden departure from me too. An excuse of having to go back to her cabin because her and Cara had something planned for the evening.

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