11 → charientism

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an artfully veiled insult.

The walk back from Niall's hiding place on the water path became unfamiliar due to the darkness overshadowing it. But somehow the both of us found our way back to our shared cabin.

I knew it would happen. We were bound to fine cabin nine whether it dark or light outside.

Niall held the door as I enter through it, murmuring a thanks in order to be polite.

We hadn't spoken since Niall said he couldn't tell me the reason why he use to visit the rock daily, but I shrugged it off whilst lying onto my plush mattress to consume slumber.


Like all of the other days, Sunday bloomed instantly. The light from the window awakening me for a new day here at Tape.

My eyes fluttered before they officially opened to take in my usual cabin surroundings. After a moment of looking around at nothing important whilst still lying down, I decided it was time to get up.

A short wash and difficulty of finding something to wear later, I found myself realising my stock of clothing's decreasing in size. The need of a laundry wearing thin due to my arrays becoming sparse.

I ignored the silence between Niall and I and decided to break it once I seen him slumped out on his bed, awake.

"Is there a laundry cabin or somewhere to wash stuff nearby?" I questioned timidly.

Niall sat up from where he laid, looking at me. "Yeah," he nodded. "I'll take you there if you want," he offered.

I nodded.

"Alright," Niall shrugged, removing the linens off himself before heading towards the bathroom.

I sat on the edge of my mattress, putting on my far from clean pair of converse whilst waiting for Niall to get ready.

It didn't take as long for Niall as it usually does to exit out of the bathroom wearing the standard choice of a jumper and joggers.

He walked back to his side of the room to slip on a pair of trainers and with that, the both of us exited out of our shared cabin. Niall and I both carrying a load of far from clean clothes.

The supposed laundry cabin wasn't too far from cabin nine. Just a short walk with no turns. After what felt like minutes of walking we both arrived at an empty cabin reserved for just washing materials.

The vacant cabin making it easier to find a machine for the both of us. We both stored our loads of dirty clothing into separate machines silently and then sat anywhere we could find.

"Are you staying in the cabin again today?" Niall asked after a longer than needed silence.

I shrugged unknowingly.

"Do you want to go to the canteen?"

"No, I'll just stay here," I answered.

"Okay," Niall replied, "I'll bring you back a bottled water or something."

"Thanks," I murmured once Niall began leaving the laundry cabin. Leaving me alone, though I didn't mind.

By the time he returned the materials from both of our loads are now drying. I decided after his withdrawal to place his clothing into drying unison to mine. Just to be friendly.

Like he had said earlier, Niall reappeared with a bottled water for me and of course I thanked him for his generosity. He also thanked me for mine. And for the rest of time in the laundry cabin was silent between the two of us.

There's wasn't much to discuss. It didn't bother me, the silence. Nothing awkward or distressing, but peaceful. Exactly like yesterday.

The two of us surrounded by a tranquil of silence with no tension between us. An ease of the mind.

"Thanks again," Niall says once we were leaving the laundry cabin that I didn't know existed until today.

I should've read the informational leaflet.

"No need to thank me," I reassure him.

"Yeah," Niall lets out a breath in agreement. "You're a quiet but also cool friend," he compliments.

I could feel my smile forming. "Thanks," I praised. "You too."

Niall nods without saying anything more until we reach our shared cabin. I didn't bother to say much either but, Niall calling me his friend effected more than it should've.

My smile remained prominent during the short walk to and fro.

As soon as Niall and I enter cabin nine, we drop our now clean clothes near our sides of the room. Him then sprawling out on the rug placed between both of our beds and me sitting on the edge of mine. Exactly like yesterday.

"Do you want togo to the film cabin later?" he enquires, looking up at me from the rug.

I nod unhesitatingly. "Yeah sure," I agree. "That sounds nice."

Niall nods back. "Yeah," he utters satisfyingly.

A.N; I'm so sorry I didn't have a clue on how to end this chapter. Wow my sleep schedule is so bugged up.

Sorry for the short chapter but at least it's a double update.

Any event you're excited for that's soon to come? If so, what is it? A concert? ooh.

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