13 → eunoia

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beautiful thinking; a well mind.

"If you weren't here, where would you be?"

It was around evening. The night conquering the day with only left to the sky were mixtures of colours from pinks to oranges and some leftover blues.

The day, just like any other day here, dawned and dusked by quickly.

And here Niall and I were-- sat upon the large bolder for a second time since that day playing another round of twenty questions whilst watching night come upon us after a long days worth of activities.

He had started off the game after an awkward silence had overtook us. After ten minutes the game has been going smoothly ever since the first question.

"Back home," I answered, earning a chuckle from Niall in return.

"Course," he remarked. "I'm asking would you be doing anything you love–a hobby?"

"Not really," I shook my head. "You?"

Niall opened his mouth but then closed it in thought. A brief silence appeared before he then decided to speak, "Same."

I nodded as I looked ahead at the almost invisible water. No colour to it at all now, all the same the movements of the water were still prominent as ever.

"It's your turn," Niall's said as my gaze on the water fell.

I let out a breath, asking, "Did you enjoy your day, today?"

Niall shrugged. "Yeah," he nodded. "I guess it was okay and yours?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled truthfully.

Thursday was an okay day. There wasn't a two hour group session today that's the only root of waking up earlier than habitual. I didn't have to face the canteen this morning nor afternoon thanks to Louis and Niall being the only ones that were famished, leaving me and Liam, the sated, at crafts.

The positiveness continued on when I met a new person, Ed, who joined us later at film night. He and Louis's bantering endlessly causing all of us to share laughs throughout the duration of the film.

I don't even know what film was showing earlier, but all the same today was an okay day.

"That's good," Niall stated. It was now his turn to question, but I didn't feel the need to remind him nor announce it.

Niall must've read my thoughts because he cleared his throat before saying, "Can I ask you something? It's a bit personal."

My breath hitched though I nodded with some hesitation. Possibilities of what Niall can ask swirled my mind.

What if it really is personal?

What if it's about my problem?

Has he gotten a clue?

Niall placed his hand on my shoulder in assurance. I nearly flinched at the contact until I realised what he was doing.

"Don't worry," he assured. "It's not that personal."

I nodded slowly still afraid of. "Yeah, sure," I mumbled.

He gave me a tiny smile in assurance.

"Are you attracted to," he stopped himself abruptly. The small tone of his voice gave away his difficultly in phrasing the question.

"Boys?" I decided to finish for him, feeling no remorse of my interest in the same sex and no remorse of telling someone other than my family back home.

My mum did say I have to communicate and maybe this is progress.

"Oh," Niall spoke. His small smile shifted into a toothy grin as he nodded in agreement, "Same."

"Really?" I asked rather surprised.

"Really," Niall mimicked me in his best English accent as the both of us laughed simultaneously.

"Why do you?" Niall asked after our laughter had died down.

I frowned.

"I mean-" he reworded. "Was there like a mishap that like–?"

"I have two older sisters and I'm sure they're the main reason why I don't fancy any women," I said as I let out a timid breath timid.

Just the thought of Gemma and Gab reminds me of why I took a turn on the forward path.

Niall looked at me with a hence of confusion. "What do you mean?" (A.N; great and catchy song by the way) he questioned.

"They're just so," I paused in search for the right wording. "They're so–sassy. Then they're sad, then they're happy. It's like a constant change of mood swings."

"Menstrual cycles, Harry," he nodded understandingly.

"Another reason," I giggled. "Why don't you?"

"Past experiences and women parts," Niall nearly shuddered at the mentioning of the word.

I only laughed, louder than I have since I've arrived here, "Beautiful thinking,"

Niall laughed back, "Thanks Styles."

I nodded as I watched him stand to his feet. He looked down to face me with his usual smile, holding out his hand for me to grab onto.

I hesitated at first because of the insecure thoughts, but ignored the negativity as I grabbed onto Niall's hand firmly to stand. He didn't struggle to lift most of my weight and I nearly smiled at the view of it.

"Let's get going before the Tapers come looking for us," Niall said.

He didn't give me anytime to respond since we already started on the walk back to our cabin. I followed behind him quietly, the moment myself and Niall just shared replaying in my head.

We did have something in common. Sure it wasn't major but it's something. 

The thoughts consumed me one the walk to cabin nine and whilst the both of us entered cabin nine. Niall generously holding the entrance door for me as usual whilst I murmured a polite thank you for his hospitality.

He went to change into his pyjamas in the bathroom first before I did. Right after he was out as I mocked his same motions.

The both of us then slipping under the quilts of our beds quietly, the only noise filling the room were our actions. I almost drifted off to sleep until the sound of Niall's accent flowed throughout our dark and quiet cabin room:

"Night Harry."

I smiled sleepily, "Night Niall."

A.N: How do you all feel about this chapter?

Do you think Niall's going to open up more to Harry and tell him the reason why he's here at Tape?

Harry reading!

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