43 → myötähäpeä

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the feeling of shame you experience on the behalf of another person or a character when they do something stupid or embarrassing.

It was almost perfect waking up next to Niall the following morning. The thought of going to group session in almost two hours saddening.

And also the feeling of Niall's member prodding me in my thigh was enough of an alarm as the beaming sun shining through the window.

"Niall," I whisper, nudging him gently in his shoulder to awake him. "Wake up."

Niall's eyes flutter before they fully open. His eyes locking with mine as he shows me a toothily drowsy grin, adoring as always.

"What did I do?" he questions groggily. Rubbing at his eyes with his fist.

"You're having a naughty dream, aren't you?" I ask knowingly. The bulge rubbed against my thigh was all the evidence I needed.

Niall frowns, shaking his head, "No."

I raise an eyebrow causing Niall to let out a sigh.

"Yes," he answers defeatedly. "But it's because you're fit and you're my boyfriend and I always have naughty dreams about you anyway," he shrugs.

I giggle, shaking my head at him fondly, "You're so appalling."

"Then be appalling with me," Niall smirks, grasping my chin to easily press his lips against mine. Pulling me onto him in the process.

"Fine, but we don't have much time since we have group session," I note.

Niall nods, "That's fine with me."


"I hate you."

Niall laughs loudly at me, shaking his head denyingly, "You don't. You enjoyed every minute of it."

"Shut up," I glare at him before walking through the group cabin's front door later than usual because of me and Niall's antics.

Miss Siddle and everyone else that arrived earlier than Niall and I look up to face the both of us. Almost as if I was reliving the first time I encountered group session all over again.

I ignored the gazing eyes only making contact with Miss Siddle. "We overslept, very sorry," I murmur with my head now down walking towards the back of the circular table whilst Niall walked to his permanent seat at the front, wearing his habitual crooked smile.

Miss Siddle nods understandingly but sternly warned Niall and I not to repeat the same mistake again.

We quickly comply with a nod, though that doesn't at all stop me from glaring at Niall even as Miss Siddle placed us in her organised pairs for the following two hours.


Ed, Niall, Liam, and I sit at the canteen bantering whilst eating. The sight automatically reminding me of when Louis was here.

His routined and also daily bantering with or at Niall easily caused me to miss his presence. I wouldn't announce it because I was certain I wasn't the only one with the similar thoughts of Louis.

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