new one shot !

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This video inspired me this lil story, i was like " seriously !!?" i couldnt help but laugh, anyway enjoy :)

You and Chris just go out from the club, you are a lil tipsy and He cant let his hands go of you. He kiss ur neck as you guys make ur way to his car. He then pushes you against it and y'all start to make out. He cups your face as his lips move against yours. He licks and bits your bottom lips asking for entrance. You let him slips his tongue in your mouth and explores your wet cavity. Y'all moan as y'all grind on eachother. His hands grab your butt as he pulls you closer to him. His lips left yours to your jaw and your neck, sucking on it. A pool starts to form in your panties as you grins harder on his now erect dick.

"Shit baby i want you" he said in ur ear.

You moan to answer him and add " open the door Chris lets go home i want you too".

Y'all pull away and Chris smirks at you before he goes to the driver side and open the door, he sighs and said " Shit ! Fucking car !".

" what ?" you asked.

" i cant open that door !!" he said frustration in his voice.

You come to his side ans try to help him but it doesnt open.

" Fuck your rich ass Chris !! You couldnt buy a car which can open with a key !" you said a lil angry.

Then he calls his friends who were still in the club. They come and few minute later they open the door.

" Thanks guys" you said hugging them.

They leave then You and Chris climb into the car. The road was silent, the door accident totally killed the mood.

When y'all arrive, you walk toward the main door of his house, he finally breaks the silence.

" babe dont be mad ok we're home now"

"Save it im not in the mood anymore" you said coldly.

He rises an eyebrow and chuckles. " what are ya talking about ur always in the mood".

He slides his hand along your thigh to your ass under your very short dress, sending shiver through your body.

"Open Chris !!" you said irrited, you were horny again and fustrated.

He was about to talk but you cut him off by kissing him hungrlily, your hand finding it way to his crotch, he groaned against your lips.

" told ya you'r always in the mood" he said kissing ur nose.

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