Smartphone done sh!t

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Chris pov

I was coming back from the studio i was tired as hell so when i was home i jumped on da couch and turned da tv on. Few minutes later my girlfriend for 3 months now, came back home with plenty of bags from stores and shops. She smiled wild at me and straddle my lap and kissed me very passionately.

" What was that for ?" i asked, she didn't respond she just pulled out tickets from her pocket and gave it to me. 
"Wtf man !!! You spent 10 thousand dollars in shopping ?!!! Did you lost your mine " i yelled angryly, she used my credit card, how did she get it by the way.
" well then you shouldnt cheat on me first !!" she yelled back at me.
" what da hell.r u talking About ? I neva-" she interrupted me by showing her picture of me and a girl kissing.

She started to go but i catch by her wrist.

" Wait please i can explain" i said.
" there's nothin to explain did you kiss her or not ?" she asked tears starting to fall
" Yes i do b-but its not what it looks like "

She didnt believe me, i pulled her against my chest, she was crying now, i feel so bad for her, she gonna kill me when  im gonna tell her the truth. We sat on the couch, i tooke the laptop on the table and opened it.

" i wanna show you somethin please don't be made". I open youtube showing my last music video.

" but i dont understand... Who sent me that pic ?"

" i dunno a stupid jealous bitch"

" i feel bad now.... All that money spending for nothing..."

I kissed her tenderly " it depends...what did you buy ?"

We kissed again, making out for hours, i love her so much.

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